#𝟎𝟏 Spiders and Scorpions and Wolves, Oh My!

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Henry Liverseege,

#01 Spiders and Scorpions
and Wolves, Oh My!

#01     Spiders and Scorpionsand Wolves, Oh My!

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What does it take to be a killer?

This is a question the DeWitts ask, and are asked, often. However, as Scout DeWitt stands in the doorway of the bathroom she and her sister Spencer share—her phone in one hand and a hastily-grabbed Converse shoe (singular) in the other—the question she is asking is, instead, where is that fucking spider?

"He was on the wall," Spencer says helpfully. Over the phone her voice was shaky; whether that was because Scout's six-year-old iPhone's speaker capabilities became more questionable every passing day, or because of her frankly ironic phobia of spiders, Scout wasn't sure. It didn't really matter, to be honest, because either way Spencer was cowering in her room—door shut and locked, like that would stop a spider or any other similarly-sized creepy-crawly from coming inside—and Scout was here, running black-ops on what was most likely a harmless house spider.

"On the wall?" Scout took a cautious step through the doorway, dark eyes scanning the room. "I don't see any spider."

"Then he's moved!"

No shit. "Yeah, I'm looking for him."

"Look for him harder!"

"That's what I'm doing," Scout said in a singsong voice, settling in the centre of the bathroom and crouching. The tiles were cool beneath her feet. "You sure you're not hallucinating?"

"No!" Spencer shrieks, so loud Scout can actually hear her voice from the down the hall. She regrets putting her sister on speaker, and further regrets placing her ear so close to the phone, defeating the very purpose of putting someone on speaker in the first place. "I saw it, Scout! I saw it!"

"I believe you." Eh. "I just don't see him."

"He's in there, I swear. You gotta kill him, or I'm gonna kill myself."

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