Chapter 25 - Master and Apprentice

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"Morrigan, what are you talking about?" said Hawthorne, but his voice sounded so distant, so quiet compared to the thundering rush of the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow. "I can't hear anyth—"

And suddenly, nothing but smoke, nothing but a thick, swirling mass of shadow and smoke surrounding her, filling her lungs. Her feet were swept from under her and she was lifted into the air, carried along by the Hunt, the triumphant sound of horns deafening. She held tight to her black umbrella, clutching it tightly.

Morrigan felt like she was drown, an odd familiar feeling as she seemed to be swept away by a violent wave and tumbled over and over and over until there was nothing, only darkness and shadow and black, black, black...


Morrigan awoke on an empty platform. She groaned quietly as she tried to sit up on the cold concrete, pain shooting down her side. Her stomach reeled.

Blinking to bring the world into focus, she found she recognized the old-fashioned posters and advertisements lining the walls. It was the Gossamer Line platform. She picked up her oilskin umbrella and rose unsteadily to her feet. 

Her eyes met with Squall who was forty yards along the platform, sitting on a wooden bench.

He stared across the rail tracks at the tunnel wall, lost in his thoughts, humming his tune.

Morrigan's heart drummed faster. This wasn't suppose to happen. In her last life, Squall took her here because she refused to be his student, but this time, she is.

She heard a low growl. Wisps of black smoke feathered out from the gaping mouth of the tunnel, and pinpricks of red light peered through the blackness. The Hunt of Smoke and Shadow waited patiently in the dark.

Morrigan took a few deep breath then she walked slowly down the platform, her footsteps echoing. Ezra Squall was unnervingly still. He just kept humming, kept staring at the wall.

Morrigan took a few more steps as she reached Squall.

"Little crowling, little crowling, with button-black eyes," Squall sang softly. A smile crept across his features, small and slow, never quite reaching his eyes.

"Swoops down into the meadow, where the rabbits all hide."

"Little rabbit, little rabbit, stay by Mother's side." He turned to look at her, and as he did, one by one the green and white tiles that lined the platform walls turned gloss black, as if by some silent command.

"Or the crowling, little crowling, will peck out your eyes."

He finished his song, but the terrifying smile remained. "Miss Crow, how lovely to see you again."

"Mr. Squall? Why did you take me here?"

"Well, Miss. Crow, you know, I was surprised since the first time we met, that you seemed to know everything," Squall said it casually, as if he was just talking about the weather, but his eyes never left Morrigan's face, studying her expression.

"I watched you take your every step...."

Morrigan swallowed, but she kept silent. She kept on a poker face as she stared at Squall emotionlessly.

He inclined his head ever so slightly. "Hm, and I discovered some very interesting things..."

"How you seem to know everything ahead of you...."

"How you you are purposely keeping your distance from your little friend after the Fright Trial..."

"Even though you looked like you were having so much fun together, it was as seem every time you happened to enjoy yourself, and let your guard down, you immediately notice and creates a barrier around you again...."

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