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GETTING OFF OF THE BUS FOR ONCE, Faye pulls her bag onto her shoulder and crossed her arms feeling a little uncomfortable; thinking about what had happened last night at the at the arcade. She'd been panic called from Susan and Ali last night and stayed up being comforted by them.

She walked to her lockers passing Barbra, Ali and Susan who rushed over to her side, Barb had been filled in on what had happened and gave her a quick side hug. "Faye!"

"Hey, guys." Giving the three of them an awkward smile, and short hugs. She then turns back to her locker and silently puts things into it, she had been thinking all night.

Thinking about the incident, the boys, how to feel about the situation and did she mention the boys?

"Faye," Ali says quietly as the other two began to bicker back and forth. "You sure you're alright?"

"I feel like I'm making a big deal out of it, it wasn't like they did anything to me other than almost force me to go with them." She says frowning, "Ali. If the boys weren't there...I." She paused when the blonde gave her a hug.

Ali smiles slightly, "you're aloud to feel like that, Faye. For once I'm thankful they were there. I know we all don't get along, but they'd do anything for you Faye, and I think us girls can see that."

Faye looks towards the boys, she makes eye contact with Johnny who's gaze seemed to be on her since she'd arrived; much to his surprise, Faye gave him a small smile, she looks away towards the girls, ready to say something else, but the bell had cut her off. "I'll see you guys later."

She silently walks to class with her head down, she had a tight hold on her folders. She bit her lip – she felt vulnerable, she probably even looked it and she hated that. She felt a hand grab her wrist and she flinched away, looking up she saw a familiar tall blonde staring down at her in concern.

They both stare at each other silently, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you, Faye." He says scratching the back of his head, "just wanted to see how you're feeling."

"I'm doing good," she said nodding giving a fake smile.

Johnny sighs, "you don't have to lie to me or any of us, really. I know last night must have been pretty intense and overwhelming for you," he looks around at the now empty halls. "Just come to me or the guys if you need anything, alright?" He says beginning to walk off.

But Faye grasped his wrist causing him to turn to her once more, "I never got to thank you. All of you got me out of that intense situation...I don't know what would've happened if you guys weren't there, I don't even wanna think about it either." She says now biting into her cheek, "to be honest with you, I was scared." She admitted and looked up at him, his wide eyes met her exhausted ones. "So, thank you for saving me – all of you. I guess this means I owe you now."

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