Chapter 10

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TW - everything

Thirteen Years Ago

Dream walked down the side of the road, following the path he took as he stayed on the phone with Techno.  His hood was pulled over his face, hiding the scars and fresh wounds that he kept hidden from even George and Sapnap.  "So, Techno, how are the scars doing?"

"Stop trying to make small talk,"  Techno growled, "Have you found anything yet?"

"Not a damn thing," Dream sighed, shoving his hand into his pocket and glancing anxiously at the passing cars.  "Have you been keeping them clean, Techno?"

"Yes, Dream,"  The other snarled before taking a shaky breath and trying to calm himself down.  "I'll kill them if they did anything to Wil."

"I'll save Schlatt for you, Quackity's mine,"  Dream mumbled, slowing as an ambulance darted past, watching its path.  Picking up his speed, he began to sprint, following the ambulance as it slowed along the highway.  "Techno, I might've found something..."

"What is it?"  Techno asked, a new layer of hope filling his voice.  Dream slowed as he neared the accident.  "I think... Techno its a car crash."

There was silence on the other end for a moment before Techno replied.  "Dream, I'm bringing Phil down."  Dream's breath hitched, although he quickly hid it.  "No, Techno.  I'll find Wil.  You two stay there, until either me or George call for help."

There was a grunt on the other side of the line, making Dream snort.  "Don't worry, Technoblade.  I'm going to bring him home in one piece.  Just like I usually do."

A few more moments of silence before Technoblade replied.  "I'm going to go, Dream.  Phil's worried sick.  Call me when you find something."

"Bye, love,"  Dream mumbled, hanging up and approaching the forest that stood behind the accident.  Schlatt wouldn't have let Wilbur die easily.  He would have let Quackity die before killing Wilbur.  Getting a few glares from the emergency workers, he cut into the forest, keeping his eyes on the ground.

Glass, leaves, blood...  He gulped, quickly deciding to follow the trail of blood.  What's the worst that could happen?  Looking up every once in a while so he didn't run into a tree, he scanned the surrounding forest as the sirens became quieter.


He spun, trying to locate the source of the voice.  His eyes landed on a figure leaning against a tree, a bit further from where he had been looking.  Jogging over, Dream knelt beside the barely conscious Wilbur, who tried to look happy to see him.  "Hey, kid, how're you doing?"

"It hurts like a motherfucker,"  Wilbur whimpered, trying to sit up.  He was covered in blood, his eyes struggling to focus on anything.  Dream studied the large cuts, hopelessness filling him.  Pulling his mask back down, he allowed his mouth to drop into a frown.  "Techno's worried up a storm."

"Awe, he c-cares,"  Wilbur wheezed, pressing his pale hand against his stomach, where the worst of the wounds seemed to be.  Dream sighed, looking up and squeezing his eyes shut.  XD, now would be a wonderful time to step in and help out.  As silence continued to reign, only broken by Wilbur's labored breathing, Dream's heart sank.  "Okay, Wil, can I carry you out of here?"

"Not like there's much choice," Wilbur mumbled, lifting his shaky arms and grabbing onto Dream as the other scooped him up bridal style.  "Do you remember anything, kid?"

"Schlatt..."  Wilbur mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut.  "Schlatt was talking about some place we were going to... They- they smelled like alcohol-"

He opened his eyes, and they widened almost immediately as he stared at something- or someone- behind Dream.  "Look-!"

Pain hit Dream like a bullet, and he gasped in surprise, almost dropping Wilbur.  Looking down, he stared blankly at the shiny metal that was poking out of his sweatshirt.  He almost passed out as it twisted, dropping to his knees and trying not to let Wilbur hit the ground.

Quackity grinned down at him, his eyes sparkling grimly.  Wilbur stared in shock at him as Dream dropped to the ground, red staining his sweatshirt and pale skin.  Quackity's grin became more maniacal.

"Nice try, Dream,"  He whispered.  He looked at Wilbur, his eyes narrowed.  "Did you tell him anything?"

Wilbur shook his head quickly, looking terrified of the man.  Quackity smirked, grabbing his arm and yanking him to his feet.  Wilbur let out a cry of pain, which Quackity ignored.  Trying to get free, neither noticed a third figure emerging from the forest.  Not until Quackity was shoved, his eyes widening as he hit the ground, laying in a pool of Dream's blood.

Wilbur stumbled back, struggling to stay upright without Quackity's hand keeping him there.  He coughed, blood dripping onto the ground as he looked up.  The figure in front of him paid no mind to him, keeping their eyes on Quackity.  "Welcome back, asshole.  What were you going to do with the kid?"

Quackity glared at the woman, glancing at Wilbur.  "You're not supposed to be here, Shelby!  Leave, go back home!"

"Home is with the family, Big Q,"  She smiled, glancing at Wilbur.  "The name's Shelby."

He stared at her, trying to back up as she looked back at Quackity, readjusting her jacket.  "I don't think the Captain would be a big fan of this, Quackity.  I'd advise you come back with me, leave this stupid world before it happens."

"I can't,"  He whispered.  For the first time, Wilbur saw desperation leak into his eyes.  Shelby sighed, glancing back at him with a frown.  "Your friend is going to bleed out.  Halo can help him, but I need to go.  Now."

"Goodbye, Shelby,"  Quackity whispered.  Shelby nodded, swallowing firmly, glancing back at Wilbur.  "Can you walk?"

He shook his head.  She nodded, sighing softly as she walked over, scooping him up easily.  He glanced back at Quackity as they walked away, trying not to focus on the way the man's head dropped, his shoulder's shaking slightly.

Shelby entered a small field, and Wilbur turned to see a new figure approaching them.  He frowned, but couldn't move as Shelby approached the man.  "Good morning, Jack."

"Got 'im, I see?"  She nodded, slowly setting Wilbur down and keeping her arm wrapped around him so that he wouldn't fall.  "Losing a lot of blood.  Wil, I'm gonna do something real quick, we'll get you help in a few moments."

He watched as Jack reached into his pocket, readjusting his glasses as he handed Shelby a good-sized rock.  Panic began to flood him, and he saw where it was going.

Too late.


Wilbur woke up with a gasp, his breath coming in harsh pants as he slowly became aware of his surroundings. His chest was warm, and his sweater clung to his skin. He grimaced, slowly moving into a sitting position. He heard a slight shuffle and someone knelt beside him.

"Calm yourself, Wilbur. That was quite the ordeal." His head whipped towards the sound of the voice, wincing from the pounding pain that filled his head. He heard a soft laugh, and something was placed against his dry and torn lips. Cold water flooded his mouth.

"Jack, get more bandages." Wilbur slowly peeled his eyes open again, staring at the two people he was with. One (He believed that she had been speaking) wore goggles that were currently balanced on her head, and a red plaid jacket over a white t-shirt and overalls. She stared in concern at him, putting the cap back on a water bottle.

"How are you feeling?"

Hey, I'm alive.  Not doing the best and having trouble breathing.  Do your thing, I don't really care anymore.  Unedited.

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