Chapter 3

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"My soul chose yours and a soul doesn't just forget that"

May 7, 1999

“Are you two even still friends?” I questioned.

Daphne gave me a confused look as she took a bite of her cereal, and started talking with her mouth full.

“Who- egagly awe- you talking- abut,” She spoke.

I rolled my eyes, and slumped my shoulders, “I don't understand what your saying.”

Daphne let out an annoyed huff which lead to her blonde hair getting in her face. She moved the strand of hair behind her ear and chewed her food aggressively before swallowing in a rather hostile way. 

“I don’t know who you're talking about,” Daphne declared. I felt myself go red-faced. Has she not been paying attention this whole entire time?! 

“Malfoy! Draco Malfoy!” I shrieked while dropping my hands on my lap. 

“Oh! Malfoy,” Daphne said while averting her gaze to the wall behind me, “Of course not. He’s a prick.” 

Her comment made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “What about the party?” I asked confused. 

That sentence made her turn her head towards my way swiftly and she had a terrifying gaze, “What about the party?” Daphne mocked, “Astoria if this is some silly little crush-”

I cut her off. “He’s not a crush!” 

I heard Daphne let out a breath of relief as if what I said was a good thing. Seconds later she pulled her chair out which made a heavy screeching noise across the wooden pavement, then got up. Her sage green nightgown ran all the way to her knees, and she smoothed it out, presuming that it went farther. 

“Now, If you are done talking about Malfoy, I’d rather us get ready for the day,” She said in a stern voice, “Mother wanted us ready at eleven sharp. It’s nearly ten.” 

The rest of the day went by faster than a bullet train. I reckon it was because my mother took me and Daphne dress shopping for the fourth time this week. She says it’s for, “Special Occasions”. 

Currently, I am hanging up the newest dresses I got today. I hung them up next to the other unworn dresses. There is a very low chance I won’t wear any of these dresses, but most of them are very admirable to picture myself in. One of my favorites is as blue as October skies. It’s lengthy and off the shoulder, and it also has a slit that stops just above the knee. 

I must’ve been visualizing myself in this dress for a bit too long because I heard a sudden knock on my window. I nearly jumped when I heard it- It’s kinda unusual for me to hear knocking at my window. I departed from my closet and walked toward my bed since my window was just above it.

Instead of the usual sight of the moon shooting over the sky it was a boy instead. Not a random boy. It was Malfoy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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