Supernatural Kitty Cat

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Akaza turned around. A chunky ball of black had found its way to him with mini waddles of its nubs. Akaza didn't like cats, but he thought this one was pretty cute. He could have sworn he blinked and it was now attached to the ceiling. "W-wha-" The cat blinked and its eyes moved to its back to look at him. "Ok now that's cool!" It landed on all its four lil nubs and waddled toward him. The nurse walked out and told him that Kyojuro is fine. "Oh, I see you've met Shikabou." "Shikabou?" "Yes, she's a kitty with unknown shape shifting, growing and shrinking, and teleporting along with more. Nobody knows where she came from, just appeared one day and gave this village great wealth, food, and other things." "Huh. Interesting."

Akaza had gotten permission to enter the room, and saw Kyojuro again. Kyojuro had a hard time believing him but eventually gave in and thanked him.

"Wait. I forgot my vest at the cave! Dammit!" "Don't you remember? You gave it to me" He took the vest out of his pocket. "Dear Muzan thank you bless you aNgEl!" Kyojuro could tell Akaza was very grateful for his vest. They headed out a few hours later, with the cat. They figured they'd need a travel partner other than each other since they both figured it might not work very well. Since both Muzan's Mansion and Kyojuro's house were both too far, they'd have to stay somewhere.

They found a rather decent hotel, when they walked in they clearly were given looks, especially Akaza. The lady there agreed, clearly also afraid of Akaza. Kyojuro decided to try and brighten it by acting like they were best friends. Akaza caught on almost immediately and played along. Some looks managed to look away.

When they both got their room there was indeed to beds, good for them. (Not)

"Get your hand off my ass" "ok"

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