Chapter 06

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Pre-Arc 01


" Having fun isn't limited , a grown-up can become a child in a matter of seconds "

Kindergarten passed by Mikazuki like a blur , as she felt it was a successful mission as she made friends with a granted person .

The one and only Furuya Rei .

The two were practically inseparable, as they did everything together , just like siblings would do .

Mikazuki's parents were delighted when they heard from her about her new friend . She had a good relationship with everyone as everybody considered her their friend , and Rei her best friend .

The two of them went to the same elementary school , they were considered as a duo , some even mistook them for siblings , but the difference in last names always made it clear for everyone .

Some girls even teased Mikazuki about them getting married in the future .

Which , of course , was waved off really easily since she had more priorities now .

Tomorrow was a big FAT DAY ! You know why .. ?

Her parents were coming back from America .

Seven years old Mikazuki couldn't stay in one place every since she learned the news , even Toichi remarked that , but he was happy to see her as the little sunshine he always knew .

Even Rei noticed the sudden happiness flowing from her , which surprised him , but made him happy to see her happy .

The two were currently playing in the playground with the famous Matsuda Jinpei . Who , was presented by Rei .

He told Mikazuki that he lived two blocks away from her house . Which made them close friends , which meant they fought a lot , and Rei was the peace maker between the two .

Let's put her friends aside for now , since one went to the beach and the other to the mountains with their families as it was summer holidays , which was kind of the main reason her parents came .


The next day , Mikazuki woke up earlier than ever as she felt a sudden wave of energy flowing in her . Excitement . She knew it was this .

She rushed to her bathroom , took a nice refreshing bath , and changed to one of her favorite outfits .

She went down to prepare her breakfast , usually she would wait until Sukochi comes and make her the food , but now it was his break time and , from her past life knowledge , she knows how to cook the perfect meal .

So , after preparing breakfast and eating it , she went to her father's library to read a bit . She didn't know when her parents would arrive , so she decided to wait 'patiently' . And by patiently It means she checks the clock , the door and any sound that isn't silence every ten seconds , interrupting her reading , and getting disappointed at each check .

Eventually , she ended up getting bored and without noticing , she fell asleep on the floor in the library with her head laying against the wall and her hands on the top of the book that was on her lap .

It was an Agatha Christie book .


Outside a western styled mansion , stood a married couple , one had a back bag and a suitcase beside him , while the woman held her handbag , a gift bag and another suitcase ,the two smiled happily at each other as they made their way to the house .

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