Chapter 1: Su Xiao Mi, the moon that illuminates Yan Yan's nights

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A gust of wind enveloped his whole body as he walks; it was neither gentle nor virulent. It fluttered his hair into the vast darkness.

Then it began to rain, as if the heavens were mocking him to fall in frailty.

"It's bitter cold, out here.'

The little boy who turns out to be seven has spoken with a frown on his face. He was now drenched from the pouring rain.

As he gazed upward from where he is standing, the dark sky looks back at him.

"Maybe, the sky is in pain just like... just like me." He says softly.

The boy closed his eyes and feels the drops of water onto his pale skin, as if the rain is his own tears.

Unexpectedly, he remembers the life he has...



He was gazing at those fights and the shattering sounds of broken glasses from that small gap of the door on the living room.

"I don't want to go back."

The young boy says as he covers his ears with his hands and shut his eyes because of the fear that's eating his entire being.

Then the boy has grown to his fifteen year old self and it was like he was reliving the past.


From the memory of his mother crying for his father's infidelity


From the memory of others saying that he has a very blessed and happy family


From the memory of squandering his days with lust and revelry

He was doing bitter things, desperate crazes, and unpleasant obsessions just to forget everything...

Just to escape everything. He closed his eyes and leaned his head backward from where he is sitting. There's a feeling that there's a huge hole in his chest. It was hard to breathe and difficult to move.

He was lamenting inside but no one was hearing the loud cries of his heart, it's like his body and soul will fall into oblivion, any minute now.

As the boy opened his eyes, the surroundings became black and the rain continued to pour just like before.

"Really now, if you continue to be like that then you'll definitely be alone, all your life."

"That voice."

"Who is there?; he followed to where the voice was coming from. There were footsteps coming closer and closer

"You won't be able to have a chance to be with a handsome guy like me in the near future if you don't turn around and look at my attractiveness."

He then turned around and not so far away from where he was standing, the boy saw someone... a young, adult man who is very recognizable to him.

"Yan ̴"

Yan Yan was in a daze, not believing what he's seeing in front of him. That other man was stretching his hand into his direction and began to show a huge and bright smile.

"Su... Xiao Mi?"

He doesn't know why but he is happy. It's like all of this indignant feelings that he's having has now completely disappeared.

He was now running towards Su Xiao Mi who was waiting for him. Slowly, in that dream the young Yan Yan breaks away from that supposed dark trance.

The surroundings have now changed with the flow of memories of being together with the one he feels affection with.

From that moment, the 15 year old brat he is has become 20...21... 22... 23... 24 and turns into a 25 year old adult with alacrity.

"Remember, I love you. That won't change a bit!" Su Xiao Mi said with a gentle expression on his face.

He heard Su Xiao Mi's shouting. However, before he could get close to him, Yan Yan has now fallen into a deep sleep.


Yan Yan was startled to the noise. He was now looking at the ceiling of their own bed room; streak of tears could be seen on the side of his face. He heaved a heavy sigh then wiped his face with the back of his hand.

'It was all a dream' Yan Yan thought.

He's looking at the SpongeBob Square Pants alarm clock with a cold expression and turned it off. It's six in the morning, and a Friday.

Yan Yan was frowning and wants to throw it out to a very isolated area, for that item isn't complementing with the other furniture around.

But, he can't. Yan Yan knows too well that if he does, who knows what Su Xiao Mi will be role-playing again early in the morning on how vicious he is for killing his favourite cartoon character.

"Damn it."

All that can Yan Yan say. He then looked at the other side of the bed and saw the still sleeping Su Xiao Mi with right knee flexed and left leg on top of his (YY).

Su Xiao Mi's left arm was extended while his right hand was on top his bared stomach, his shirt was pulled upwards when he was moving around. The blanket was not covering his whole body.

"This moron sleeps like a monkey."

Yan Yan chuckles lightly and tries fixed Su Xiao Mi's posture. As he bends forwards to do so, he was surprised for Su Xiao Mi grabbed him out of the blue and embraced him tightly as if crushing his bones and suffocating him to die.

He was annoyed about this ready to knock some sense to his man but...

"Yan ̴ I love you so much in the whole world, heehee" Su Xiao Mi giggles as he dreams.

He spent the night watching romantic dramas nonstop again, if Yan Yan didn't dragged him to sleep then up until now Su Xiao Mi would've made the television explode, setting the house on fire.

Listening to this, Yan Yan's eyes widened but closed it after and little by little smiled.

"So it wasn't really a dream, at all."

He says and returned the embrace together with Su Xiao Mi.

It was already five years, since they've got married and the love he has for him is growing each day and doesn't know when it will end.

Yet, from the very day Yan Yan met Su Xiao Mi, maybe that's already the sign that the both them are destined to be together... forever.

So, knowing if when their love will end is already irrelevant.

He removed himself from Su Xiao Mi's body and held his left hand; kissing the ring finger.

Yan Yan stared at his other half's sleeping face, advancing gradually and kissed Su Xiao Mi's lips sweetly, never want to let go.

He then put his forehead to Su Xiao Mi's and breathes with satisfaction.

"Su Xiao Mi, I Love You too."

Yan Yan's life was already warped at a very young age.

However, that one fine day in the soccer field, who would've realized that the heavens would let the moon shed light directly on him that time in, order to pull him away from the darkness[1]?

What's more, never he has guessed that this so called moon could be talkative, offensive and silly too.

Surely, from that moment on, the moon named Su Xiao Mi has illuminated his nights[2] eternally.

To be continued

[1] Referring to YY life before meeting SXM

[2] Referring to YY life before meeting SXM

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