Chapter 2:Yan Yan, the sun that brightens Su Xiao Mi's days (END)

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Su Xiao Mi was oblivious on what's happening but when he was awaken from his sleep, Yan Yan says that he'll take the day off and spend the day with him.

"Yan ̴ really, I'm so happy. I won't be bored because I'm with you!"

" I knew it ̴ You love me a lot, don't you? ̴"

He continued to skip around the living room full of enthusiasm and hugged Yan Yan abruptly from behind who was reading a newspaper on the sofa. Su Xiao Mi teased Yan Yan continuously for he's indeed delighted about the news.

" If you don't cook now, I'll leave immediately." Yan Yan says to stop him from looking goofy yet again.

" How could you? How could you? How could you? You can't withdraw what you said or else..."

" Or else what?" Yan Yan was turning a page not minding to look at Su Xiao Mi.

" I... I won't...urrgh ." Su Xiao Mi was out of words to say. He really does want to spend the day with Yan Yan, he just wants to sulk a bit so that Yan Yan can comfort him as well. Certainly, this Su Xiao Mi is pushing he's luck today. He really can't win with the war of words with Yan Yan, so with a defeated look; Su Xiao Mi went towards the kitchen and prepared their meals.

'I'll put a lot of pepper in the soup so that Yan Yan will feel the hots for me ̴" Su Xiao Mi with a grin on his face was thinking something stupid again and attempts to do what he say on his husband's share of food.

"I dare you to do that, I swear you'll be breaking wedding vows for killing your man." Yan Yan was now inside the kitchen, leaning his back on the wall with arms crossed. He then turned around and saw Yan Yan's cold expression. Su Xiao Mi with his acting skills has found a way to get away from this without breaking a sweat.

"Pei! Pei! What are you saying about breaking what? I'm your loving wife. Why would I be doing that to my husband ̴" Su Xiao Mi said in a small voice while batting his eyelashes and acted to sweet by twisting his body sideways to get Yan Yan's attention.

Yan Yan was about to get sick from the sight, its making him blind, 'this Su Xiao Mi never learns' he thought.

"Aren't you finish there, I'm hungry already." He was trying his best to control his temper, as always Yan Yan is a very good spouse "only to Su Xiao Mi."

"Okay, you are always in rush in tasting my cooking, dear husband. Here, let's eat now ̴"

After breakfast, they drove by car and went outside. Yan Yan tells him that they could go to any place that he wants, but under no circumstances he would thought that Su Xiao Mi wants to go that place.

"Yan ̴ let's go to the amusement park!" as Su Xiao Mi requested. All of a sudden, Yan Yan stepped on the brake taken aback on what this brat was saying."

"Hey, be careful or we won't reach there in one piece!" Su Xiao Mi was surprised because the car stopped abruptly.

"Two grown up men hand in hand in a childish place, as expected you're the only one who could think about it."

"Why not ̴ it's cute and sweet and everyone will envy how loving a couple we are." Su Xiao Mi says while touching Yan Yan's forearm.

"Do you want me to tie you up on top of the Ferris wheel, too?" Yan Yan took the pleasure of making fun of Su Xiao Mi with the disgustingly sugary remark.

"You don't love me, You don't love me, You don't love me. You say we could go anywhere we want today, what a liar." Su Xiao Mi was folding his arms and having tantrums. There was complete silence inside the car, and no one was taking the initiative to talk first.

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