Immortal - Chapter One

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Hey Dudes!!

So this is chapter one of immortal

Will be posting the next chapter 2 days from now if  i get at least 5 votes

so please vote ^_^


Chapter one:


Year 2015,

Lindberg, Kriegsland

The sky was clear, and it was morning. A boy called Edward rose up from bed. He heard his mother’s call for breakfast. He went down the stairs, and went to the dining table. Beside him were his siblings Mark and Alfonso. As they prepared to eat their mother’s savory food, the young boy kept on thinking about what he read last night.

He was thinking about magic. Last night, he read one of his father’s collections on magic. Late in the night, he would study about different types of magic. He knows everything there is to know about alchemy, elemental magic, necromancy, illusion, and many other types of magic. He was addicted to it.

Later that night, he prepared everything he needed for an experiment, his first experiment. He waited for his mother to go to sleep, then he etched an array, or a drawing used to channel magic into this world, into the floor of his room. He placed the necessary ingredients in the middle of the drawing. After that, he began chanting one of the verses he learned from the book.

The array illuminated while he chanted. The more he chanted, the brighter it became. It soon became bright enough that he couldn’t see anything in the room anymore. Right after that, the light began to fade, and everything seemed to go back to normal. In front of him were the bones he used as ingredients. At first he thought he failed, but after a few seconds, the bones began forming into a humanoid shape. It became a walking skeleton, one of the undead.

Edward was happy with his experiment. He finally used necromancy. He was overjoyed at the thought of making something rise back from the ground. At long last, his journey in magic was becoming better.

But that happiness would soon turn into sorrow and agony. The next day, a black man was knocking on their front door. Edward’s mother opened the door. As she opened the door, Edward saw a tattoo on the man’s arm. It was the symbol of Pluto on the man’s arm. As the man went into the room, he said, “This country is full of wretched people! They have destroyed my people, first driving us away from our homeland, then murdering my kin. I have come to deliver the judgment of the gods!”

He grabbed Edward’s mother with one hand, and grabbed Alfonso with the other hand. As he grabbed them, a dark aura encompassed his whole body. The aura flowed through him, until it reached his hands. With a flash of pure darkness, Edward’s mother and brother both vanished. All that was left was Edward, Mark, and the man.

The man left, and as he left, he said, “I can see a bright future in you, young boy. Until the next time we see each other, I have to say farewell.” Edward was both confused and lost with what happened. He went up the stairs, and got a few human bones from the storage room. He placed them in the middle of the array he first made, and, together with his brother, chanted another verse. Edward was not attempting necromancy this time, he was attempting to revive both his mother and brother.

            Edward and Mark chanted endlessly once again, and the room began to get full of light once again. The light faded, but so did Edward and Mark. As Edward looked at his surroundings, it was full of writings in an ancient script. In front of him stood a white figure, dressed in the same way he is. The figure said, “Welcome to the Gates of Truth, young boy. For attempting the impossible, bringing back the dead to their former selves, you have defied the laws of magic. The Gates are now opened, and you may be able to seek what you seek inside it.”

Large tentacles grabbed Edward, and he was dragged into the great gates. While inside, he could feel intense pain. His limbs felt like they were being torn apart, and he felt like his brain was about to explode due to everything he saw at once. The ordeal took more than an hour, then after that, he was expelled from the Gates.

“Welcome back, young boy,” said the white figure once again, “You have seen everything there is to be seen inside the Gates of Truth. But, you must give one of your body parts to me as an entrance fee.”

The white figure was grinning while saying those words, “Since you always wanted to be able to grasp the knowledge of magic, I will take your hands as a tribute.”

Right after that, Edward felt great pain as his hands were torn away from his arms. He could see his hands being transferred to the white figure’s blank form. The white figure now had real hands.

“Until next time,” said the figure.

Edward woke up in the real world again. He noticed that the bones were still there, and his hands were gone. He could not see his brother as well. He noticed that nothing else changed aside from that. From that day on, he decided to find his brother, and learn the secrets behind this “Gates of Truth”.

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