Chapter 13: Trust

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TW: swearing
Notes: Their now around 15-16
*time skip*
George and his mom has gotten into some arguments for a while now
"Sometimes I don't understand why my mom doesn't trust me, do you guys ever get that?" George asked, looking at the other boys as they nodded
"I get that all the time, it just feels like Techno doesn't trust me, but to be fair, I don't really trust him" Dream replied as he looked at George
"You have a different story, Dream, your father's a serial killer, I would completely understand why you don't trust him, like that's literally fucking insane" George replied, as Dream nodded and looked down
"But we can always trust each other, right?" Bad asked, looking at the others as they smiled and nodded
"Of course, but it's honestly up to Dream if he wants to trust us or not" Sapnap replied as he looked at Karl and then looked at Dream
Dream then lifted his head up to Sapnap and then smiled, looking at George
"I think I'm already starting to trust all of you guys, I genuinely think that we could be friends if it wasn't  for my boss" Dream said as he smiled and looked at the bed as the boys smiled
"That's good, but we do need to be careful around Techno" Bad said, looking at Dream
"I mean no hate towards you Dream but I used to get a feeling that you're using us when we first met you, but now but deep down I know that you're a good guy" Karl said, looking at Dream
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off that way, I never want to do any harm anymore, I used to think that a while ago but now I realize that being violent and trying to be abusive of others isn't the way, I used to want to rule the world, but now I realize, that I don't want to rule the world, I want it to be peaceful and I want to have friends, and somehow I managed to meet you guys" Dream explained as he looked at the others as Karl started crying in happiness as he wiped his tears
"Are you okay Karl?" Dream asked, looking at him as everyone started to giggle and comfort Karl
"He gets emotional easily, that's all" Bad said as he leaned against Karl and smiled
"Oh shit, sorry Karl" Dream said as he chuckled and put his hand over his mouth and smiled, looking at Karl still chuckling
"It's okay" Karl mumbled as he wiped his tears again and then sat up and smiled at Dream, letting out a giggle
"I'm really glad we met you, Dream, and I really hope that we can learn to trust each other because honestly your super fucking cool man" Quackity said as giggles slightly with a smile
"I'm glad I met you guys too, I would've never made friends with anyone, and you guys were so chill even after I slashed Sapnap, which I'm still sorry about, and Quackity, you sacrificed your own blood for me and was super nice about it, that's what makes trust to me" Dream said as he smiled
"George, you let me stay over, you guys all did and your mom gave me the best breakfast I think I've ever had in my whole entire life, and your mom still let me be here even after finding out I was Technos son, she did get worried but she was honestly really nice about it" Dream said as George smiled and looked at Dream
"I do have one question for you though Dream, why do you wear that mask?" Bad asked, looking at Dream as he looked back at him and slightly smiled
"You don't have to answer this by the way" Quackity added as Bad nodded
"It makes me unknown, no one knows what I look like, that's why I always kept it on, plus my boss would always want me to keep it on anyways so I don't get caught and reported to the police if they ever found out I was working with Techno" Dream replied
"Why haven't you called the cops on Techno yet?" Sapnap asked, looking at Dream with curiosity
"I'm afraid he'll figure out it was be and hurt me again" Dream replied as he looked at Sapnap and then widened his eyes
"He hurts you?" George asked as he looked at Dream and frowned with concern and worry in his eyes
"Yeah" Dream mumbled as he looked down and then looked away from the other boys
"You're safe with us, you can trust us, doesn't matter how crazy it is, or at least you can trust me" Sapnap
said as he smiled as the other boys nodded
"We'll always be with you, Clay" George said before he paused and watched as Dream looked at him
"Clay" George mumbled to himself before looking at Dream
"Clay is my actual name, I just was always called Dream growing up" Dream replied, looking at him
"Is there a reason why you were always called Dream?" Karl asked, looking at him with a slight smile as his eyes lit up a bit
"I'm not sure, but I do like the name, but I don't know if it fits me" Dream replied, looking at Karl
"I think it does" Bad said as George nodded
"I think Dream's a cool name, and it definitely fits you" George said with a smile on his face as he looked at Dream as the other boys agreed
Dream smiled, he felt comfortable around these boys and felt a strong connection between himself and George for some reason
"I'm sure the whole group would love to meet Dream, maybe we can have a whole squad meet and greet type of thing" Sapnap said as Bad gasped
"That's a great idea!" Bad said as he looked at Sapnap and smiled
"Only if Dream's okay with that though" George replied, looking at Dream as he smiled
"I'm more than okay with that, the more friends I have the more I think I'll learn to trust" Dream said as the boys smiled and nodded

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