Episode part-10

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In Stiles home...

As his room darkens, an increasingly panicked Stiles watchesa sheet of paper come out of his printer - a detailed woodcarving of a MEDIEVAL HUNTER standing over the body of awerewolf, aiming a CROSSBOW at the creature.

He pulls the page out, staring at it with a look ofescalating fear when-- 


Stiles hops out of his chair. He scampers to thedoor, unlocking it to find Scott standing out in the hall.

"Get in. You have to see this. I'vebeen reading. Websites, books, allthis information." Stile says as he speeds Scott into his room.

As Scott takes off his jacket, Stiles starts grabbingprintouts from his desk, pulling his computer screen around,dozens of open web pages on it.

"How much Adderall have you hadtoday?" Scott says jokingly due to Stiles's new-found behavior.

"A lot. Doesn't matter. Just listen." Stiles says as he probably doesn't realize Scott was joking.

"Is this about the body? Did theyfind out who did it?" Scott says thinking that this was the reason why Stiles had him over, but he was indeed wrong.

"No, they're still questioningpeople. Even Derek Hale--" Stiles says attempting to escape the topic they were on and move on to the reason why Stiles was so jumpy.

"The guy from the woods--" Scott questions while cutting off Stiles.

"Yeah, but that's not it," Stiles says finally ready to show the new-found information he found.

"What then?" Scott questions.

"Remember the joke the other day?Not a joke anymore." Stiles says 

"The wolf. The bite in the woods. Istarted doing all this reading and--Do you even know why a wolf howls?" Stiles says not joking, but if anything Scott most definitely does not see his seriousness.

"Should I?" Scott says not taking what Stiles was telling him seriously.

"It's a signal. When a wolf is aloneit howls to signal its location tothe rest of the pack. So if youheard it howling that mean there are others. Maybe a whole pack of them." Stiles says continuing.

"A pack of wolves?" Scott asks confused.

"No. Werewolves," Stiles says with excitement.

"You're seriously wasting my timewith this? You know, I'm pickingAllison up in an hour." Scott says as he realizes that Stiles isn't joking. Scott's anger grows.

"I saw you on the field, Scott. Whatyou did wasn't just amazing. It wasimpossible." Stiles says trying to get Scott to see his point, but all he does is degrade him of his skills.

"So I made a good shot," Scott says trying to defend himself.

"No, you made an incredible shot.The way you moved--the speed, yourreflexes--people can't suddenly dothat overnight. And then there'sthe hearing, the senses, and don'tthink I haven't noticed you don'tneed your inhaler anymore. Youhaven't used it since that night." Stiles says making valid points of his own.

"I can't think about this now. We'lltalk tomorrow, okay?" Scott says wanting to put aside the convocation they were having and leave for his date with Allison.

"Tomorrow? Don't you get it? Thefull moon is tonight." Stiles says trying to get Scott to understand that he is in danger of himself.

"What are you trying to do? I justmade starting lineup. I have a datewith a girl I can't believe wants to go out with me." Scott says defending himself and not seeing why Stiles was acting the way he was.

"Everything in my life is somehowperfect. Why are you trying to ruinit?" Scott says continuing.

"I'm trying to help. With the fullmoon, it's going to be too hard toresist and there's no going back.You're cursed, Scott. And it's notonly that the moon causes you tochange, it's also when yourbloodlust will be at its peak." Stiles says as Scott still doesn't see what Stiles means.

"You know if Y/N was here she would agree with me," Stiles says continuing.

"Bloodlust?" Scott says confused.

"And don't bring Y/N into this, you know she's sick," Scott says.

But was Y/N truly sick? 

Yes, she wasn't acting like her usual self but was there something wrong?

"Your urge to kill," Stiles says giving Scott a better understanding.

"I'm already starting to have anurge to kill, Stiles," Scott says as Stiles was starting to annoy him.

"You need to hear this. The changecan be caused by anger or anythingthat raises your pulse. And I'venever seen anyone raise your pulseas Allison does. You have tocancel your date. You have to callher." Stiles says trying to get Scott to cancel on Allison but he was surely not going to.

Stiles grabs Scott's jacket, pulling the cell phone out.

"What are you doing? Give me that." Scott says trying to get his phone back from Stilles.

"I'm just finding her number--" Stiles says, or tries to before Scott cuts him off.

"Give it to me," Scott says as Stiles had finally pushed him to the end.

Stiles looks up to see Scott's eyes flash YELLOW for a momentarysecond. His voice descending and growling, he yanks the phone out ofStiles's hand and SHOVES him against the wall.

Pulling back before striking him, Scott instead LASHES out atthe desk chair sending it flying across the room, tossed likeit weighed nothing. Then, trembling with anger, he gazes up.

"I didn't mean to do that" Scott says as he realizes what he did.

He starts to help Stiles up, but he flinches back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meanit. I have to go. I have to getready for the party. I'm sorry." Scott says rushing his apology so he can go to the party with Allison.

Grabbing his jacket, Scott hurries out.

Still shaken, Stiles gradually stands. He slowly picks up thedesk chair, putting it back. But then he pauses. With a shakyhand, he turns the chair around to reveal...



Still shaken about what had happened minutes before, Y/N had eventually calmed down from whatever had happened to her.

Y/N wasn't sure who she could go to, to tell them what had happened to her but she was afraid.

Afraid that no one would believe her.

Y/N thought that whoever she would go to would think she was crazy and tell her to go see a therapist, which she had thought of doing.

Y/N mindset was confusing.

Confusing to those around her and herself.

 She honestly thought there was something wrong with her.

The childhood trauma she had been through might speak for how she is.

Y/N and her mother never got along. Maybe when she was young but as she grew up, she learned that the "love" her mother showed her wasn't true.

Honestly, Y/N felt lost, like she wasn't here.

Her mother caused her depression many times and still causes it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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