Chapter 4: Disney World

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" and now they're getting married?"

               " and now they're getting married?"

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It's the day. The day that the whole family going to Disney Land! I sat between Charlie and grandma Ruth

" is that too much wind for you, Hank?" Aunt Lee asked him as the windows are down

" what?"

" is that too much wind?" Aunt Lee repeated herself

" no, it's okay" Hank answers

I smile at him as he looks through his window

" stick your hands out the window, Charlie, Missy, it's like an airplane" Ruth said to me and my younger brother

I held Charlie's hand out to the window to get him some assistants, I than pull my hand out to feel the wind brush through my hair


We finally made it and ride on some rides right after we entered Disney Land. Afterwards I help Charlie push Grandma Ruth's wheelchair from the crowds as Ruth having fun while doing so

" here we go!" Charlie grinned as we move little faster

" whee!" I giggled

" faster!" Ruth laughed

We went faster but not so fast, we passed my mother, aunt and Hank. When we did Hank and I stare at each other as Hank lower his newspaper a little

" hey, you two, slow down, slow down" I hear Aunt Lee tells Charlie and I

That made me shook my head of getting back to reality and continue pushing the wheelchair like nothing happened

Man, why does my heart pound faster when I see him?.


We got back from Disney Land. During the time being there though, my mother passed out but Aunt Lee told me to not to worry and everything will be fine. Also, since I passed Hank from Disney Land of pulling Grandma Ruth's wheelchair I haven't seen him since but I'm not that worried about it. Right now Charlie putting make-up on Grandma Ruth, I'm just holding the items he needs

" I haven't had reason to pretty myself up" Grandma Ruth spoke up

" what's your reason?" I asked curiously

" oh, I can't wait when, well, today is the day, they almost got married once before, but Amber set the church on fire" Ruth informed

" on fire? That's harsh" I commented

" so, is Coral the same character who shot Lance's dad in the head?" Hank asked next

" uh-huh"

" and now they're getting married?" I questioned

" well, he lived and she felt awful about it" Ruth answers

" huh"

We finally finished and I gave grandma a mirror to hold, she held it infront of her face chuckling but seems little surprised, I patted Charlie's back of doing a good job though

" oh! Oh Charlie, what a good job!" Ruth complimented

" I helped too" I mentioned

" yes, yes" Ruth smiles at me as putting the mirror down

" Ruth, you look beutiful!"

We turn to the door to see Aunt Lee standing

" oh, don't make fun of me" Ruth said little embarrassed

" I'm not" Aunt Lee shook her head

" I'm just a silly old woman getting all dressed up for a TV show" Ruth said

" no, you're not" I denied

" Charlie, where's your brother?" Aunt Lee asked him

I look at Charlie of wanting to know too

" I don't know" Charlie answers

Aunt Lee then headed out of calling Hank's name. I bit my lips and follow my aunt to see she's looking at a photo within' in deep thoughts

" need help making lunch?" I asked as I entered the kitchen

She turns to me and nodded, we started making lunch for everyone. When Aunt Lee first handed some food to Uncle Marvin's room, I went to get the drinks to see Hank by the door

Am I dreaming? Where was he?!.

I frozed right here and now. He finally noticed me and crack a smile, Hank gesture his head to my uncle's room, I walk in and bring the drinks and set the tray in

" Bessie!"

Ruth and Charlie enters the room

" you missed it! Coral finally married Lance!" Ruth said excitedly

I smile at her

" but now, wasn't Lance married to Coral's mother?" my mother recalled

" no" Aunt Lee answers, " Coral was married to Lance's father"

" he's really a nice boy" Ruth commented

I shook my head with a smile as I approached Hank, we look into each other's eyes until he did something unexcepted, he press his lips onto mine which of course I kissed back. I hear the family cheer when I closed my eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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