Before the system had a name or the cosmos was even delved into by a Noman, the universe was littered with beings of unexplainable power known as "Avatars". These avatars were technically the first intelligent beings and they could breathe in the vacuum of space. They would go around the universe to explore it and try to make a home for themselves. The Milky Way galaxy was maybe one of the only galaxies left without avatars, so the avatars of its neighboring galaxy, Andromeda, sent a comet around the size of Mars towards the Milky Way.This comet was named "Pert" by the avatars. Once Pert made it into the galaxy, avatars popped up one by one as the years passed. These avatars woke up on their planets and named them, getting used to their planet and staring into the depths of space. Eventually these avatars would discover the other planets and their avatars, and they would share their names and name their celestial bodies.
The bodies named were Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Vietti. The ones left unnamed or simply just left to the planets avatar were the moons, which was the avatars job. The star that centers the system, and a green and blue planet with no avatar in sight. However, the green and blue one was eventually named thanks to the Suns original avatar. It was named "Nomo", but as time progressed and life began to appear on Nomo, the Nomans named the planet something different and the avatars didn't bother correcting them. The Nomans named their planet "Earth", a very silly name, the avatars thought, but they lived with it and kept calling it Nomo.
Little did these avatars know that their descendants would work in unison with Nomans in order to prevent universal destruction.
Stories of the Cosmos
Science FictionI've been on a writing spree as of late and surprisingly it has not been on Two Coins: One Side. It has been these short stories within this new universe where there are these spatial beings who represent their planet, star, or moon and it