03 || Eighteen

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~🇹​🇪​🇳​ 🇾​🇪​🇦​🇷​🇸​ 🇱​🇦​🇹​🇪​🇷​~

In this story, Shredder wasn't taken away by Krang. Shredder will remain in the story.


18 years young.

Four mutant reptilian-humanoids have made it to 18 years of age and they are proud of who they are. During the past few years, they learned so much about themselves and that includes who they are deep within.

Each brother has discovered their groove, their passions, and their love for one another.

It's been rough since the Brothers were 15 years old-- fighting a man named Shredder, and an extraterrestrial Pink being from space-- Krang and his Technodrome. Also, two henchmen of Shredder's were involved-- Bebop and Rocksteady.

The Turtle Brothers have been considered heroes of New York and felt appreciated for their incredible valor and support and life couldn't be better... That was last year.

Today, the wonderful ninjas are thriving under the loyal protection of the NYPD, April O'Neil', Vernon Fenwick, and Casey Jones.

Smiling at such great success, Leonardo and his three younger brothers stood on top of the Empire State Building, getting another evening breeze brushed against their rough-scaled skin. He couldn't express how proud he is of his actions of leadership and his brothers' excellent unison of communication.

Chuckling at their 18th year as brothers, an insane, crazy, and loving team, Leo turned away from the Manhattan sunset with thin citrus clouds and grinned at his brothers. "What a great way to spend our 18th, guys."

"Great?" Mikey says, scoffing and Leo's choice of words. "I think you mean radical, Leo!"

Raphael agreed with his little brother, patting his shell once. "Yeah, man. Radical is a great way to put it." He, too, gazed at the sunset kissing the water, going down over the horizon so the night hours could rule the evening.

Leo nods, his hands on his hips, resting on the waistline of his pants. "Radical it is." Says the blue masked turtle, shifting his bright blue eyes toward his much taller brother; Donatello. He was caught up in his gadgets at the moment, not meaning to be rude. "Don, is everything okay?"

At first, Donnie didn't hear Leo because he was still sucked into his devices, browsing the current criminal activities around the city on his hologram gadget. In front of his eyes, lighting up his glasses, the maps flickered and distracted his mind. The intelligent mutant considers himself a reserved being, keeping to himself and not talking much unless he thought it was necessary.

"Don!" Raph bumped the volume up in his voice to get Don's attention.

It worked. "What? Sorry." He clicked off of his holograms.

"Are you okay?" Michelangelo asked him as Raph and Leo turned their eyes to Donnie. "You haven't said much since we left the lair, man."

Donatello gulped, shrugging at his thoughts, the thoughts that are always involved when he overthinks. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? It's our birthday." He laughs lightly, folding his hands together and twiddling his thumbs. Lately, Donnie has been feeling like this isn't over yet. With Shredder still out there, his Foot Clan out there, too, it frightened Don because the dark enemy group could try anything. Anything.

The other three siblings exchange glances with each other. Leo had a feeling that Don was going through some personal things, but didn't want to invade his privacy. "Okay," Leo says. "Well, let's continue our patrol." He lept off the edge of the building, Raphael following him.

Iɴᴅɪɢᴏ & Sᴀɴᴅsᴛᴏɴᴇ || ᴀ ᴛᴍɴᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ '16【✓】 Where stories live. Discover now