Does your mind live in your brain
Is it a product of the brain, the body, the way an operating system is a result of physical computer parts interacting
The biochemical signals of realityOr
Does the mind imagine the body into existence
Does all physical reality start in thought
Dreamed up
Only there because some mind somewhere willed it to beOr
Is it both
Does the body create the ethereal mind
Which, in turn, dreams of its physical counterpart
And thus gives it meaning
Gives it existence
Before which, it had none
Because it could not imagine itselfA dream cannot exist without a dreamer
Your mind only exists because it has a body to hold it
A dreamer cannot exist without a dream
Your body only exists because your mind is aware of itYou know you're real, because you're aware of yourself
You're only aware of yourself because your brain tells you so
What if it's lying
Or misinformed?Maybe these questions are better left to the poets
Who have nothing better to do
Than lie awake
Late at night
With their eyes on the ceiling
Dreaming it into beingWhatever you do
Don't forget that you exist