Melody with Kyle the wizard

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Back with the kids...

Tito: You know, Janitor Poopatine sounds like that star wars character Palpatine

Stan-( Realises ) Dude ! Your name is a literal joke ! Like Principal Jill Konia is Zirconia !

Tito: I know!

Kenny muffles of Jill Konia being one of thr hottest chicks he wanted to bang when he was older

Kyle: What was that Kenny?

Cartman understands him.

Cartman- Samn it Kenny ! You never stop thinking about fucking any girl ! Do you remember ehat happened with that ho that gave you syphilis once , Tammy Warner ?!

Kenny muffles angryily*

Melody and Peppi giggles*

???: Hey Melody!

Melody sees Kyle the wizard coming*

Melody: Oh hey Kyle the wizard!

Jimmy trips Kyle the wizard, he laughs*

Stan- Dude !

Esmeralda-( Glares ) Jimmy !

Jimmy: Wizard nerd! *laughs*

Melody helps him: You okay Kyle?

Esmeralda- Jimmy whats your problem ?!

Jimmy pulls her to him

Esmeralda- Oh !

Jimmy: Want to ask you to the dance tomorrow

Esmeralda- No.

Eemeralda feels him dip her

Esmeralda- Oh !

Rico came: Ahem?

Jimmy sees him crossing his arms, he chuckles nervously and lets Esmeralda go*

Jimmy: On second thought I need to see my friends, bye *leaves*

Esmeralda- Thanks handsome~

Rico winks: No problem

Kyle the wizard dusts himself off*

Robbie: Hey, aren't you that wizard kid?

Kyle- Wait you saw our Wizard Game ?!

Grimskull: I did

Stan- Kickass!

Cartman- I bet you havent seen our( Quietly ) hero forms !

Kyle the wizard: Your wizards too?

They look at each other.

Kyle- Sort of ! Here check this out !

Kyle walks with him to show him the games

Cartman- Speaking of New kids , I heard there is a new girl here besides this Isabela chick

Kenny muffles: Ooh!

Kyle the wizard: Of course no one is talking to me

Robbie- Hey relax , red we know youre here. Lots of things have been going on lately here at this school !

Kyle the wizard: Uh huh? Oh Melody! I want to ask you something!

Melody looks at him: Yes?

Kyle the wizard blushes: Would you-um- do you like to-um?

Melody- Im listening.....

Spike- We'll leave ya alone.

Everyone else leaves.

Kyle the wizard blushes: WOULDYOULIKETOGOTOTHEDANCEWITHME?! *covers his mouth*

Melody: The dance with you?

Kyle shyly nodded

Melody smiles: Well I have Grub and Kolliba, so I don't mind going out with you Kyle

Kyle the wizard smiles before a certain person walked passed them.

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