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(This is an alternate universe, its not related to the main story line at all! Sorry for the kids!)

I looked at my computer eagerly. I was waiting for a text from my boyfriend, Jeff. I asked if he wanted to go to a pride parade with me and a few friends, but I haven't got a response in a while. After quite sometime, he managed to text back.

I wasn't surprised he took forever. His parents are very strict and homophobic and don't allow him or his brother to have social media. I can understand due to all the creeps, hackers, and all the negative mental stuff that comes with it plus fake news. Anyways, when he responded I've never opened up my messages so fast in my life!

Jeffy baby ❤️‍🔥: I bought bus tickets for me and Liu! We're gonna sneak out tonight. Mind if we stay at your place?

Me: of course! My parents love yall!

After we chatted for a while longer, Jeff said it was time for him and Liu to leave. I told my parents ahead of time and i helped them set up the guest room for Liu. Jeff was going to sleep in my room. Once Liu's room was set up, I set up my bed so Jeff would have room to sleep on it. As I moved all my stuffed animals onto the floor, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I first instinct was to pop the person in the mouth with my fist, so that's what I did.

I heard a scream and a familiar groan. I turned to see Jeff.

"Omg Jeff! I'm so sorry!" I stated, close to tears, thinking he'll be mad. But he didn't. He laughed it off and said he gets into worse at school. He isn't wrong. When he calls me of face time, he's usually pretty beat up. He tells me about the fight and that he won. I've seen him fight a few times. How? He would face time me at school and sometimes he would get unto a few small fights.

Anyways, got off track! I looked behind Jeff to see Liu. His hair got longer and he looked more uncomfortable than ever. "Liu! I'm glad you could make it! Do you need a hoodie?" I asked sweetly. He nodded. I went to get him the biggest hoodie I had and gave it to him. He put it on and looked more comfortable and relaxed. "Thanks you Y/N." I smiled at him.

The next day, me, Jeff, Liu, and my friend Mark met up at the town square. We found Mark's girlfriend while trying to find the coffee shop. She was MUCH taller than any of us. About 6ft 8in. Her hair was down to her back and her dress went passed her knees. Plus, her make up was beautiful! (If you don't remember Mark he's in chapter 2) After walking around, more people showed up and the parade started. Liu bought himself a question gender flag, me and Jeff bought a gay pride flag (the gay flag is like the lesbian flag but blue if you didn't know. The rainbow flag represents the LBGTQ+ community as a whole.) While Mark got a demi-boy flag and Danna (marks gf) got a transgender flag that said "BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER!". Everything was going pretty well! We bought drinks, food, more pride stuff, and even managed to get on a flout! Me and Jeff kissed while people cheered! It was AWSOME!

That night, we all went to Mark's place and just goofed off. It was amazing and the most fun I've ever had. While we all watched a movie, I was laying on Jeff's lap while Liu and the others slept.

"How would you feel if I moved in with you?" I sat up and looked at Jeff like he was crazy. He just smiled at me. "What?" I asked, clearly in shock. And mad. Jeff wanted to move in with me and basiclly abandoned Liu. How could he do this? Leaving Liu with parents like Peter and Margaret?! Apperently I was muttering out loud cause Jeff cut me off.

"Liu can come with. Your parents see us as family and are willing to help me and Liu. I talked it over with them, and they said we can move in." Jeff stated softly. My eyes widen with joy. I kissed Jeff all over his face. I was happy the two people I wanted safe was going to move in with me and my family! I know it's risky, but me and Jeff have been dating since the 6th grade. We're in our senior year at highschool now so I have no doubt we'll be with each other for a long time.

"Stop kissing my brother. I'm trying to sleep." Liu grumbled out. He hit Jeff's leg lightly. Both me and Jeff chuckled quietly. Soon, we both fell asleep cuddling while watching a movie.

Sorry it wasn't as actiony as the main story but I wanted something simple, sweet, and short (like Mark). Anyways-
I'm happy you all read my story! I might update for like, special holidays or something. Might even do a kinktober thing when October come around. And thank you for getting this wattpad book up to 16.8k readers! It really makes me happy that you guys liked my story that much and I really appreciate it! Love yall!

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