Chapter 9🖤

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~(Y/N) POV~

When I woke up, I noticed I was chained to a wall. I looked around and saw I was in a room fit for a demon king of some kind. Soon, a tall and handsome man walks in. He's wearing an all black suit with a dark red tie. He has dark blood red hair, black skin, and three eyes. "I see your away (Y/N)!" He stated happily. I growled and rapped my tail round my stomach out of instinct.

"What do you want from me?" I growled out. He chuckled. "Just for you to give me your children." He smirked while my eyes widen in fear. "Their not even born yet! Besides, why are they important to you?!" I yelled out, angrily. He laughed like a mad man. Well, he is the demon king after all. Once he stopped laughed and gripped my chin in a tight grasp. "Do you know the story of the demon wolf?" I shook my head no. He chuckled and stood up. I sat up my self, cause the baby bump was starting to make my back hurt from laying down. That's when he started talking.

"The demon wolf was a powerful king. He was the first of his kingdom. He believed the demon, human, and Angel races could live in peace. But he knew that could never happen in his time. He knew that one day, a half breed, or half breeds, would bring the world's together and live as one. So, he made a curse on his own family and disappeared. Never to be seen again!" He smiled. This guys is crazy! "What does this have to do with me and my pups?!" I yelled. He laughed again and gripped my chin. "The curse was the descendent who was born with the ears and tail of a wolf would find the hidden kingdom in plain sight!" My eyes widen. His story isn't real! It's made up! My mom was experimented on! Not a demon! Besides, how does he know if that kingdom even existed?! Let alone know that king existed! I spit in his eyes and he backed away. "Even if that story is true, I won't help you find it! My mom was experimented on while she was pregnate with Me!" I yelled at him. He growled and slapped me, hard. "I should have known you were stubborn. The demon wolf race always is. Another thing about the wolf king, he married an angel. The daughter of God himself! They only had one child together, but it was to be killed after it's birth. So they put an eternal spell on the child and hid it away. To this day, the angel race is still looking for it." Once he left, the sound of silence filled my ears. My ears twitched and my tail never left my stomach. Tears started to fall down my face. Was his story true? But that's has to be impossible.

After a while, I fell asleep. But, when I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman. She had pale skin and dark brown hair with forest green eyes. She wore a red farm dress from the 1400's. "Wakey wakey my little pup." I sat up and looked at my hands. They were smaller and much paler. "Aphrodite! Is he away?" I heard a man call. I looked to my right and saw a man coming up a thing of stairs. He had the same pale skin as me. But what made my eyes wide was the (f/c) hair with the ears and tail of a wolf. But it was lighter/darker. His eyes were different from mine and the woman's. He had blood red eyes. Kinda like the blood moon. "Hey son! How'd you sleep?" The man asked. "I slept fine." I stated, trying to act like their son, who I have no idea who he us. "I see. Well we need to tell you something that will change the way to see life." The man stated as he sat down on the bed. He started to explain what Zalgo told me. He told me about the curse put on the demon wolf race. He even told me I was the prince of the lost kingdom and that the woman was the angel Zalgo spoke of. The man's name is Ahazu and that my name is Agis.

He told me that, he cursed me to be reborn into the family, with out the ears and tail of a wolf until it was my time to rule the kingdom. And that a human will come along and make all three kingdoms one. My mind went straight to Jeff. He's the human that will bring the three worlds together! I'm the demon angel half breed! When I closed my eyes.
My body shot up. I looked around and saw I was back in Zalgo's room. But, something was different. I started to panic and looked at my stomach. It was still there but...are they still there? I looked at my hands and saw that they where free. I put both hand a over my stomach and waited. Soon, I felt a few kicks and my nerves settled down.

lost boy (Jeff the killer x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now