Chapter 1 - Hope

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A castaway drifting in the ocean from one of the Polynesian islands comes across a floating basket. he was so tired, and on the brink of giving up what little hope he had, when he saw the basket. It kept vanishing. It would appear and then disappear as the waves moved up and down. Then he didn't see it for a long time. Just when he stopped looking for the basket it popped up again coming closer and closer to him.

Hoping to find food or water he only discovers a child sleeping. For a split second, he thought it was his little baby girl, but remembered his wife and baby died years ago in a battle that was not his making. His makeshift board/ boat was falling apart, and he thought it might be better to let the basket go, hoping someone else will find it. However, as he looked around, he knew there was no one for days. Only moments before seeing the basket he was on the brink of giving up himself to the arms of death. Now, how could he protect this little thing when he... himself, was ready to die? As he looked down at the sleeping baby, he was feeling something he had not felt in a long time.

The beautiful baby opened her eyes and looked right into the soul of the man gazing at her. She did not cry, her eyes large pools of liquid green gold and silver, she just looked at him. He could not help himself he decided to protect and help this child no matter what. He reached and picked her up to cuddle the infant. Thinking she could be a male, however, felt in his soul that the baby was indeed a female. Noticing the cloth wrapped around her was tight and as he held her, he thought she was purring. When he looked back into the basket, he noticed two small pouches and a gourd as well as a handheld fan. He looked back at the child and did not want to disturb her but hoped he could find some food.

First, he opened the smaller of the two pouches, it was black, and it contained seeds in it. The second pouch was gray, and it was a little larger. It held precious stones of red, blue, green, and clear. It even held a scroll made from slats of wood with symbols and marking he had never seen before. sighing he picked up the gourd and noticed it had a nipple on it making it into a device to feed a baby when the mother is not around. Looking back at the child he said, well... little one! what is your name? her eyes just stared at him. They call me Kekoa, it means the brave one, he said as he was moving all the items back into the basket. Then the swaddling cloth came loose from around the baby, and he managed to not drop the baby as he was trying to catch the cloth before it fell into the ocean. Once that was accomplished, he noticed that the child has lots of hair and all in her hair were feathers, beautiful gray and white feathers that was intertwined mixed in her long black hair. He had never seen a baby with such long hair, before perhaps she was a little older than he first thought. On further inspection, he noticed she had no ears or at least human ones. He wondered can she hear me? Then he noticed that her ears... were on top of her head. like a cat, as he touched them, she giggled, and the sound of her voice was delightful. So delightful it filled his heart full of joy. I think I will call you Iolii for your feathers remind me of the great hawks that fly from island to island and hope it blesses you with strength no matter how small you are. He recalled that io stood for hawk and lii meant little. He himself found new strength and a sense that all will be well. He used part of the make-shift floating boat of his to secure the basket so it would not float away. With his newfound energy he knew not how or where it had come, he made the decision to go on and find a place suitable to make a home for his Iolii. And leave his old life behind him. The ocean held many islands but not all were suitable to survive on much less live. And some islands were still so busy with their war. No, he will not take his new daughter to be slaughtered like his last one. Determined for him and the little one and with this newfound strength he started paddling his little makeshift wa'a.

Morning turned into night, and he heard the child make a sound. needing to rest himself he sat down and comforted the baby, using the gourd bottle he gave her some drink, but not too much; then sang her to sleep. He could not believe he had paddled all day without rest and though his muscles were sore he could not help thinking he could do more. His only need was water. And looking over his shoulders at the empty hulls of the coconuts he managed to forage has long depleted days ago.

The night air was cool and for the first time after the storm that decimated his crew and outrigger and caused him to be deposited on an island that held headhunters. He now held a sense of purpose. He had forgotten what that felt like. For so many years he just wondered and did what was expected of him. Becoming numb to the feeling of hope. All while traveling from island to island with the company of his men, he never found himself scared, as a hunter-gather, he knew his place within the tribe and did his best at it. Even though lately he longed for death so he could be reunited with his loved ones.

Gathering the baby to him and cuddling close for comfort and warmth, he wondered if he was already dead. If he was being tested to see if he was worthy to be reunited with his family. Never in all his life had he ever seen such a creature as he held in his arms right now. His tribe dominated a good portion of the islands but kept going further and further from home to seek out plants, animals, and trade. But this voyage home he did not want to return to his old life.

There were lots of islands out there, but he knew it took a tribe to succeed. He knew not what to do. So, as he laid there holding this tiny life to him, he prayed. He prayed all night to the stars, then he prayed all day to the sky, and at last, he prayed all evening to the ocean; fully exhausted, he fell asleep.

He did not know how long he slept. He had no strength to move. He looked at the sleeping baby next to him and fell asleep again.

He thought he was dreaming, for he heard sounds of singing. A beautiful melody of hope and love; with gentle sways in the tones, throughout the melody. With all his strength sapped from him, he dared not raise his head. Half in fear they were unfriendly and half in fear they will take his child. But the melody soothed him, and as the unusual sounds came closer and he realized that it was voices, and it was not singing but speech patterns... however, he could not make out the words. He knew not what they were saying and what strength he had left he held tight to the child, then passed out.

The people of the island were used to unusual things, as their ancestors fled to this island seeking peace long ago. Therefore, the fishermen hooked the boats together and made for home bringing the giant of a man to shore. Calling for help for this man looked to be a giant holding his dinner. They reached in and looked closer to what the castaway was holding so dearly. To find a baby. A very unusual baby. One fisherman called to his wife to take the child as the six other fishermen came to see what was going on.

It took all eight men to haul the man to one of the huts in the cool trees leaving him there to the attention of the healers.

The woman holding the baby walked back and forth trying to calm the child down. She was whimpering and reaching for the stranger from the boat. There was no sign of the baby being dehydrated as another lady saved the basket, she showed the one who was holding the baby a nipple gourd...this must be what the baby laid in. she motions for her to bring the basket to be brought to the hut where the man lay.

As long as, the baby could see who she supposes, was her father she remained calm and peaceful. But as soon as the giant of a man was out of sight the child would through a fit.

The fisherman looked to his wife, and she told him it was a baby kitsune. only then did he take a closer look at the child with her foxlike ears, her big, slanted eyes, and a turned-up nose.

But what are all these feathers? He asked

She simply shrugged" I can't leave she said the baby gets too fussy"

Then leave her with him she will be all right and you can check on her later. And so that is how a stranger and his unusual daughter ended up with the people of Ainu. 

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