Chapter 8- Kill

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Kekoa knew that her first kill would be devastating, even though she was always so reserved in showing her feelings. He knew she felt things deeply. His only worry was how long it would take for her to snap out of it or how much it would change her. The fear that he held in the back of his mind was her having to kill a sentient being that she would talk to, he never imagined that she would be put into a position where she would have to kill her best friend. Every time he tried to speak to her, her eyes were haunted like there was no soul inside. Even the Shinigami; Maka, kept her distance from her. Giving her the space needed to heal.

Kekoa however was feeling a bit better. His strength seemed to be returning but very slowly. He enjoyed taking long walks, he found it soothing. About a week or so Kekoa ran into his old buddy who had an array of animals in traps and cages ready to take back to their home island.

'Hey Bro," he called out, "any thoughts about returning home.?"

Kekoa shook his head saying "there is nothing for me there, I have found peace here. This is my home now"

The stranger Iolii saw a year or two ago looked to have change his stance from what she could see, he seemed more threating and surer of himself.

"So, ... I hear there is a half fox half human here in these woods. Have you seen such a creature?" the stranger asked Kekoa, "We could go in half of the bounty. We could be set for life. Imagine the riches." He was not looking at Kekoa when he was talking but when he stopped to see Kekoa's face he faltered and took a step back for the look across Kekoa's face was murderous.

Then the stranger took a deep breath, "So, it is true, you are protecting the beast." He accused.

Kekoa yelled, "she's my daughter and you won't be touching her!!!

Iolii hear all of this from her perch where she like to sit. They were several hundred yards off, but with her hearing it was if they were standing below her.

The stranger started laughing and the laughter turned evil." She's not your daughter, I know your daughter is dead for I killed her with my own bare hands, just as I killed your lovely wife Kailani," he sneered at Kekoa.

Kekoa was stunned, the pain of losing his wife and child felt like a wound to his heart as the memories flooded his mind of their faces. It felt like a physical blow that took his breath away.

Iolii felt something change in the air, and knew her father was in danger, she began jumping from tree to tree. Moving as swiftly and quickly as she could all while being stealthy enough to keep hearing what was being said.

"Why?" was all that Kekoa could get out.

"You!" the stranger shouted. "You are the reason why! She was supposed to have been mine. I was supposed to be the next tribal chief. I was always one step behind you. You always were in my way for greatness. I wanted you to suffer. And when I heard you met your fate on the open sea, I was angry, I wanted to be the one to kill you. Me! I wanted the power over you inherit your abilities so I can be even greater!

Kekoa's' anguish abated into anger then from anger to pity, "your right I did meet my fate on the open sea, she saved my life in more ways than one. And I am better for it. a better man because of her. I never wanted to be chief all I wanted was Kailani, she was my earth and sky, we loved each other." Then Kekoa gave way to his anger again before another word was exchanged the two men were fighting blow for blow. Iolii was close enough to see the fighting but still too far away to help. Her hearing help her know what was being said, ... her heart hurt for her father. However, hearing each sound of each blow was an on slot to her ears and she refuse to let it get to her. The stranger was not that skilled, and Kekoa was able to keep up with him only due to his lessons he held with his daughter, on a daily basis. However, Kekoa was indeed sick and the longer the battle continued the more the other man had the upper hand. In a swift turn of events the stranger had the upper hand.

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