{8.20} 𝙿𝚊𝚌-𝙼𝚊𝚗 𝙵𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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Dean is sitting at a desk, he wakes up from his slumber and dean he gets up to looks around.

0...the hell?" Dean Says

He gets up and tries to turn off the record player, but the music just keeps going. He kicks a leg off the table that's blocking the door to take with him as a weapon, and starts exploring the hospital. The floor is littered with several dead, bloody bodies.

"What the hell is this?" Dean Says

He finds a newspaper on the floor, It's dated July 12, 1951.

"1951?" Dean Says Then A growling figure approaches; we only see the shadow it casts.



24 Hours Earlier

Dean enters, placing a bag of groceries on a chair and a six-pack of beer on the table. He opens one of the beers, Sam enters, looking sleepy.

"Y—" He looks up "Man, I'm telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers, and..." Dean Says

"Oh, shut up. Uh, what time did I lay down?" Sam Says

"You took a siesta around noon. Yesterday." Dean Says

Dean grabs another beer and throws it in Sam's direction, he fails to react and the beer shatters on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I, uh..." Sam Says

"That's why we don't have nice things, Sam." He stumbles "You okay?" Dean Asks

"Yeah, I'm, I'm fine, I just—" He leans on the table, rubbing his face" Uh, you know what, I'm gonna get dressed. We should go find Kevin." Sam Says

"Hey hey, hey hey hey, easy, easy, sleeping beauty. Look, man, I've hacked into every security camera around Garth's houseboat, Kevin's hometown, where Mrs Tran lived..." Dean Says

"And?" Sam Says

"Well, nothing so far." Dean Says

"Dean, we have to find him." Sam Says

"I know. I know, but Garth is out looking for him, we got a hunter APB out on Kevin, we will do what we can from here while you get better." Dean Says

"I'm fine. Dean, I can still go out there, I can still hunt." Sam Says

"Really?" Dean Says


The lights turn on as Sam and Dean enters, He loads a gun as Sam pouts.

"This is stupid." Sam Says

Dean fires the gun twice, hitting one of the targets in the chest both times.

"Alright. You hit that target, we'll talk about getting you back out there." Dean Says

"No problem." Sam Says

Sam aims, wavering. He uses his other hand to steady the gun, but still misses the target entirely on both shots he fires.

"Look, man, this second trial hit you a lot harder than that first one. I don't know whether it was just more intense or what." Dean Says

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