C H A P T E R - 15

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Seoah: ya-h, why are you laughing?
Y/n: Lmaooo, Seoah it's just this month gurl, our periods synced last month and
Hana/Y/n: You are a virgin!!!
Hana: or did you and taehy-
Seoah: Nooo, we still didn't*shy*
Y/n: Aww look at her blushing like a tomato
Seoah: yahh, stop teasing me will you?? *whining*
Y/n: okay, okay! *laughing*

They were enjoying eating their breakfast and talking when Y/n's phone rang


Y/n got a call from Jungkook?? The trio looked at each other's face with a confused frown but accepted the call anyway but as soon as she did that they three flinched

Jungkook: Jiminshiiiii!!!!! I have a news for youuuu, it's about Taehyung and Seoahh noonaaa, they both did-

And the call cut, it seems like Jungkook by mistakenly pressed y/n's number and he was teasing Taehyung on the other side

Meanwhile Y/n and Hana looked at Seoah sheepishly while she was shaking her head

Hana: Soo,it's true?
Seoah: Nooo, it's not, he must be teasing Taehyung out there
Y/n: You sure right?
Hana: Hmmm, ok if you say soo

And finished the breakfast and went to the living room using their phones

。• ᵕ •。

Taehyung: Wth Jungkook why did you do that and on top of that you called y/n, Seo must have listented that arghhhh it's sooo embarassing
Jungkook: sorry Tae hyung *trying not to laugh*
Taehyung: Yah, you are laughing huh? come here you bunnyy

And they started chasing each other when Jimin entered

Jimin: Woah, woah what happened*smiling*
Taehyung: Are you smiling? *surprised*
Jungkook: Omggg!! Jimin hyung you are smiling (so much rESpecT lmao)
Jimin: *rolling eyes* Nevermind (tattoo he he he)
Taehyung: My soulmateeeee i missed you sooo much*over dramatic*
Jimin:(everyone's so weird today, lol) Whatever
Jungkook: And do you know what happened just now?

He narrated the whole story and Jimin was trying not to laugh while Jungkook was rolling on the floor and Taehyung on the couch sulking with a pout (UwU)

Jimin: Really Jungkook you don't the difference between me and y/n
Jungkook: Hyung i swear i didn't see the number and i blabbered something
Taehyung: Ok enough of this, let's go somewhere i am bored *whining*
Jimin: But where?
Jungkook: How about we go to y/n's house!!..
Jimin/taehyung: ............
Jimin: Wth are you even saying?? We can't just randomly visit their house you know, she is my secretary not my girlfriend!
Taehyung: ahmm
Jimin: um, yeah maybe we sho-

The doorbell rings

Jimin: who is it at this time?
Jungkook: let me open it

Saying that he went to open the door, the door opend revealing Hyemi( in case you forgot she is jimin's ex)
Before Jungkook could even react she ran literally pushing him out of the way and hugged jimin

While Jimin was freezed on his place while Taehyung had no words coming out of his mouth, Jimin realised what was happening and pushed Hyemi which caused her to lose her balance and fall down

Hyemi: ouch!! Oppa i think my ankle is sprained *fake cry*
Jimin: What are you doing here? *Cold*

Jungkook came to the living room to see this scene but he didn't bother it and sat on the couch playing his phone and taehyung went to his room, Jimin and Hyemi went to backyard to talk in private

Hyemi was acting like she is injured to get his sympathy but looks like Jimin's is not having any of it

Hyemi: Oppa look i am in pain, please carry me
Jimin: Be in your limits Hyemi, and i asked you a question
Hyemi: Actually i fought with my parents and came out of the house, can i stay here??
Jimin: And you expect me to believe you? Huh??
Hyemi: please believe me*crocodile tears*
Jimin: ok fine just for a week, you have to leave after a week
Hyemi: Yayy! Thank you

tried to hugged him but he just stopped her and he left from there after showing her the room

In Hyemi's room
Hyemi: Can't believe he actually believed me, now wait and watch Park Jimin what i will do*talking to herself while smirking*

And the day passed like that and Hyemi was pretending like she is really injured making Jimin somehow fall into her trap


Y/n's pov

I was getting ready for office as it's Monday huhuhuhu i don't wanna go to school wait it's office right, i don't wanna go to office, anyways let's go downstairs to see what my babies are doing

Going downstairs i saw Seoah in hurry and Hana laying in the couch

Y/n: hey hey what happened*to Seoah*
Seoah: oh it's just that Hana is not feeling well and i am getting late for office and i can't fucking find my shoes arghh!
Y/n: but your shoes are right in the shoe rack
Seoah: yeah right

Saying that she went to find her shoes and i went to Hana who is laying down and sat down in front of her who is looking at us

Y/n: Are you ok?
Hana: yeah i am good it's just a light headache
Y/n: are you sure?
Hana: yepp, i am
Seoah: No she is not, she threw up 3 times in the morning
Y/n: Should i take a leave?
Hana: No need you both can just go to work, i will manage
Y/n: i can't leave you alone, i know you both very well
I will just call someone to look after you
Seoah: But who?
Y/n: I don't know about that

After thinking alot Seoah spoke

Seoah: Wait i have Namjoon's number
Y/n: Namjoon?! As in the guy we met at that party?
Seoah: Yes
Y/n: But how did you?
Seoah: Actually when i saw him that day, he looked familiar so i had a conversation with him when that incident happened
Y/n: But how did he looked familiar?!
Seoah: He was our senior in high school, you guys won't remember cuz we rarely talked with him
Y/n: If he was our senior then what about yoongi, taehyung and others?
Seoah: Namjoon transferred to our school due to some family issues but the guys are still in contact
Y/n: Woww, how do you even know about all this?
Seoah: Taehyung told me
Y/n: Not surprised

These both were talking while the youngest was looking them pouting

Hana: Unniee, you forgot meee..
Y/n: i didn't and yeah Seoah give me his number
Hana: Yah i am not a baby, i don't need someone to babysit me
Seoah: You are a baby, now stop complaining and listen to her
Hana: hmphh

After all the drama both the girls went to their office,
Y/n went inside the company just to see



Heyaaa!!!!! I don't have much to say but hope you will like this💞💞

Try to understand the story idk what to write i was in a hurry and wrote some shit

Thank you for reading
Stay safe and healthy
-your author

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