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I can't sleep.
I never thought I would actually be scared to leave this place, the ocean, the friendly people, the blue skies, the daily walks which ended up in the middle of no where, me being lost, I would miss that. Oh and obviously I would miss Drake! How could I forget about him?

Drake is my boyfriend. Drake Cordio. We've been dating for almost a year and if I do say so myself, we are a very strong couple. Maybe it's the countless of up and downs we've gone through? Or the endless 'I love you more than anything? I don't know but all I can say is that whenever I need him, he will ALWAYS be standing there with an open heart ready to listen to what I have to blab about.

4:09 am. Ugh. Why is this so hard?

I let my mind to slowly drift off to New York. My dream city to live in ever since I was a little girl! Yes, I've never been there but I know, I just know, that New York is the change that I need.

4:09 am. That's it... I'm done! I'm going to Drake's house, so that I can blab about how I can't fall asleep. Kidding. But just to talk to him maybe, now that I think of it, I haven't seen him for at least 3 days and I sorta miss him. On that, I get up from my undersized bed and reach for my worn out hoodie sitting neatly, folded ofcorse, on my desk. This room always annoyed me. It was way too small and the pale pink paint on the wall was starting to chip (not that my mom couldn't afford to get it repainted) bit besides that, it had all of the furniture from when I was I child. The more I think about it, the more excited I am to leave.

Walking out the house at 4:15 am with my favorite hoodie, yoga pants and my uggs and a small voice in my head saying "why the hell would you be walking around at this time in the damn morning alone!?" ...my mom's voice. Ugh.

Drake's house was only about two blocks down but I knew the route a bit...too well. Not that this is a normal thing for me, just that the family always goes there for dinner. Me and Drake, my parents with the Cordio's and Matt (my bro) ..he always kinda ends up playing with the cat. As I slowly approach his house, all the lights are off. Damn. Even though it's a damn ridiculous hour to go and visit your boyfriend. I know exactly where his window is and lucky it's the only bedroom on the bottom floor. I knock on his window and almost instantly get a reply. He immediately opened the window and pulled me into his bare chest with his strong arms. I've always admired the way his hair falls perfectly whenever I've seen him. His glowing green eyes. His muscular frame that always seems to tower me. Maybe it's because of three days apart but right now...he looks amazing.

"I see someone is a morning person" I sarcastically remark. His face lights up and a small chuckle leaves his mouth.

"If this is going to work between us, you can not call me a morning person" he says lifting me from the outside of his room and pulling me inside.

"Why are you awake though?"

"Do you think that I would be able to sleep if the girl I love is leaving forever to New York the next day?, no ...I can't sleep with that thought" and for a moment, only a short moment of time, I forgot I leaving altogether.
After that, we kind of just sat there, against his bed just happy to be with each other. Silence, but no awkward silence though, just silence, the not-knowing-what-to-say-but-he-thinks-I'm-thinking-of-New-York kinda silence.
Nothing has ever happened between us. We fight almost more than we kiss. We've never had...umm... it and whenever I even give a slightest hint of it, he either shouts or just blows it off. But I am only 18, him being 20. He was right. He has to be.


'Toothbrush, toiletries, shampoo, floss...' The list went on as we walked through the airport. Me, my mom, my dad and Matt...with a sarcastic smile on his face while my mom was going historical. I gave him a small shove and a laugh as he returned the favor. Damn, I never thought that I would actually see the day of me 'missing my brother' ...but I defiantly will.

With our last goodbyes:
A sob from my mom reminding me to be safe and check my bag every 5-6 minutes, a warm,tight,long hug from my dad, reminding me that you can't surf in New York and it's the last chance to bail, Matt giving me an almost decent hug...sniffing? Was Matt crying? No. He couldn't be. I take my mind away from that and slowly make my way through the long and dreaded hall leading to the plane. One last wave goodbye and I was off.

I finally reach my seat, an isle seat of corse so that I don't have to worry about climbing over people just to go pee. At least 10 minutes later, a tall, very tall man was walking towards me. His hair framing his face. He sort of reminds me of Drake. He looks like a model. His eyes are lighter than Drake's but I can't seem to miss the small glisten in them as he reaches me. With a long sigh and not even 'excuse me' he climbs over and sits on the seat next to me. Rude. And with that, the plane started to move. The guy next to me, wearing a white shirt with black skinny jeans. His legs are better than mine. He put a sleeping mask on but suddenly turned to look at me with a disbelieving face and a "can I help you? Or do want a picture". I suddenly looked away realizing that I've been staring at him the whole time but simply rolled my eyes and looked to my other side thinking how out of all people I ended up sitting next to this jerk. We can only hope that I won't see him again in my life.

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