Chapter 1

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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, 30 minutes before shutdown.

A long sigh left the avatar of a certain fanatic, he had devoted countless tens of thousands of hours into this and now its being shut down as if it never even mattered. He couldnt help but feel a pang of genuine sadness overtake his heart as everything he and his friends had done would be forgotten, with no one but themselves knowing what had been accomplished. Unable to bare the loss of his beloved corrupted realm, he chose to spend the last moments of the games existance wandering the world, simply taking in the atmosphere whilst riding upon the dreaded Seafang of Wulfrik which he had won as a quest item long long ago.

"So this is how it all ends huh? All that my comrades and I have done simply undone as though it never happened... Fuck this is why I hate developers, the moment something turns out to be unprofitable they end its existance." 

Even though he had said this, he couldnt really say he meant it, afterall without the devs he wouldnt have even been able to experience the wonders and glory of this game world. With a sad chuckle he disembarked from the Seafang in the forests of Bretonnia, deciding to spend the last 20 or so minutes of the game doing what he loved most: Terrorizing those annoying and prideful backwards horse-fuckers.

Just as he began searching for them he immediately hit an invisible wall, his character unable to move anywhere outside a certain range of the forest, not even summoning Seafang worked. Harbinger sighed again, the servers must be already in the process of shutting down. Thus all the saddened warrior of Chaos could do is simply pound his fist against the invisible barrier which prevented him from enjoying himself as the World around him quickly turned dark.

----------- Mere moments later-----------

"Huh... I thought I had like 20 minutes before it all got shut down."

It was all Harbinger could say to himself before opening his eyes, fully expecting to return to the menu of the gaming set he had attached himself to, yet instead of that what he was greeted by was a lush green forest which bore an almost identical apperance to the one he had just left behind. With nothing anywhere around his outside dark and foreboding paths where the foliage was so thick that it had blocked the sun from shining any light on the dirt road.

He quickly got up, dusting himself off before checking his surroundings. But as he moved his hand across his body he noticed that he was clad in a suit of dark battle-worn armor, small spikes and other similar decorations adorning it. He quickly grabbed the belt on his waist, very soon feeling the oddly familiar cold touch of two battle-axes and, much to anyones horror, 3 bloated severed heads. Yet somehow, he couldnt feel any fear or terror as he grabbed and inspected these items, he of course knew what they were but instead of reacting like a normal person he almost felt relieved and reassured when he held them. 


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