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Izuku Midoriya wiped his trembling hand over his forehead, glistening beads of sweat spreading over his reddened freckled skin. Leaning against a metal railing, he scanned the withering buildings a few blocks away.

The truth was, Izuku was entirely mesmerized by the faint warm tinges that suffused the tall mountains of concrete before him.

"S'nice, isn't it?"

A lazy voice sliced through the peaceful air of the empty rooftop. Himiko Toga, one of the league of villain's newly acquired pawns, wrapped her arms around the young man's back, breathing in the earthy scent of his blood-stained hoodie.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful," Izuku admitted, his viridescent eyes glued to the alluring destruction before him. "I think I'm going to like it here."

"You don't have a choice, so at least you're not miserable." A disembodied monotone voice chimed. As always, Dabi sounded both careless and exhausted.

The oldest of the group climbed over the railing, swinging his legs absentmindedly as he, too, admired the destruction he was almost entirely responsible for.

He couldn't feel anything. Numbness tickled his hands tauntingly. Sometimes he wanted to burn alive again, feel the flames burning through his flesh, finally extinguishing every last nerve buried beneath it.

Izuku's breathing grew shallow as the sirens announced the arrival of the authorities.

"What was the point of this, again?"

"Look down there." Dabi gripped the railing with his left hand, pointing at three silhouettes, "Heroes in training. Do you get it now?"

"Oh-oh! Does Shiggy want us to kill them?" Toga spoke into Izuku's back, her voice muffled by the thick black fabric.

Ignoring his accomplice's enthusiasm, Dabi changed the positioning of his arms. He was now pointing at a cloud of dense, gray smoke, "You see him over there?"

Katsuki Bakugou scanned his surroundings instinctively, squinting as he tried to make out a silhouette past the heavy smoke and the rainfall of ashes. He wasn't exactly fond of rescue missions.

He had no idea why, but a couple of absolute idiots tagged along for the mission. Ochako Uraraka, member of class 1-A, gave no reason or explanation as to why she was even following her classmates to begin with.

Todoroki Shoto, on the other hand, claimed he had someone to find amid the catastrophe.

That's how the three of them ended up in the middle of a fire, butting into a catastrophe Katsuki doubted they were even authorized to intervene in.

"House arrest's gonna be good for this one," Katsuki's voice sounded both amused and annoyed. The sharp sound of his knuckles cracking against his left palm harmonized with the deafening symphony of buildings on fire, "And there ain't even a villain here to catch."

"This isn't just about some low-life arsonist, Dynamight"

"Guys," Uraraka interrupted. "Nine o'clock. Look up."

"Uravity, Shoto, you two fucking stay here, help the police and the pro heroes. I have a shitty feeling about this."

"You think they've noticed us yet?" Toga eyed the gap between the rooftop and the nearest balcony, leaning forward and draping her torso over the railing in boredom.

Izuku chuckled nervously, looking away from the unsettling scene. By then, the police, the pro heroes, and the two targets of the operation had arrived. The flames of the buildings set ablaze began to diminish, while some came to an abrupt end.

"I wouldn't put it past them to have caught on."

An explosion rang through the three criminals' ears as a blond, crimson-eyed hero propelled himself upwards with his quirk.

"Fucking hell, Katsuki." Izuku pulled Toga toward him, dodging the blond hero's body in the process.

"You know my fucking name?"

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