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"Rogues! Rogues!" Minu immediately sprang up from her bed as she heard yells of others coming from outside her window.

Running around her room, she threw the quickest outfit she could find.

Rogues had broken Into the territory where the National mating ceremony was being held  of course they planned to attack now all the wolves of North America had come here to join the ceremony. 

If they attack now while, many are trying to find their mate and do such, It's killing two birds with one stone. Kill a wolf and you kill their mate; this place was the breeding place for mates.

It's a perfect time to attack

Minu ran as fast as her legs could take her down the stairs, she reached the bottom she spotted her family who had come to the ceremony with her. "momma, poppa what's happening" many werewolves were gathered in the downstairs front area of the pack's castle they were residing in Minu being one of them.

mom- dad

"Minu rouges have broken into territory Alpha Reagan says anyone who isn't part of this pack stays back and try to stay safe If they're needed they'll ask for help" It didn't take long until the last part of Minu's mother's sentence to come true.

"Anyone able or willing Alpha Reagan asks that you join us! You will be rewarded heavily" A man out of breath yelled from the front of the area 

Minu was a great archer but this wasn't the time for archery. She didn't expect a rogue outbreak to happen here out of all places. 

With no bows or arrows, she was worthless. She knew the basics of fighting in wolf form. but she wasn't a pack warrior. 

What was she supposed to do? Go out there and risk her life stupidity or stay back and let others die?

She is no help out there, with no designated weapon 

"Minu." Minu's brother tapped her shoulder, a look of worry on his face "Minu did you hear me?"

She shook her head no, she'd been lost in her thoughts 

"pappa is staying back the rest are going, are you coming or staying here?" Vinnet her brother asked

Pappa was the pack's librarian he was no fighter Mom and Minu's brothers were warriors

Technically speaking Minu was a pack warrior she didn't like to consider herself one though she barely can do hand-on-hand combat skills and She often feels ashamed of it. 

Many called her Archery skills legendary but it often felt useless to her. She was a wolf and knew no combat skills

"I'll stay here with pappa" she finally decided If anyone asked her excuse would be that she didn't want to leave her father alone 

It has only been the first day of the national gathering. The first day is the day where everyone travels from miles to join the ceremony. It hadn't formally started, Minu and her family had only arrived a few hours before.

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