My best friend

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Clay/Dream's POV:

Today it was hot outside, I was going to Sapnap's place. We planned some videogames and a movie.  I get my keys and I start driving to his place. It wasn't that far, I could of just walked there but I couldn't sleep last night. 

The drive was short, as I said, he lives close to my house. I exit my car and lock it. I knock on the door and wait for my friend to answer and let me in.

"AYY MY FRIEND!" Sapnap yells a second after opening the door and goes to hug me. I hug him back and then he lets me in. 

I was here before. He bought some new plants. Many plants. "Sap, when did you got all this plants?" I ask him. There were like 4 big plants and 10 small ones, flowers, trees, WEED? "Sap, is that weed?!" He looks confused at me "Dream, have you ever really saw weed? That's not weed, I'm telling you." He sounds like he's lying "Really?" I ask raised my eyebrow. "Ok fine, Quackity gave them to me. I know its illegal but I will get rid of them and I don't even use them" 

"And why didn't you got rid of them yet?" I asked him "Well, I just got them. You know its a gift and it would be mean of me to got rid of them just after I got them" 

"You know, lets just play games, I'm not into the mood to talk about weed." "You started the conversation, my friend." He says then turns to turn on his smart tv. "So, watcha wanna play?" "I don't know, what games do you have" I ask him and he starts listing the games. "Lets play Mortal Kombat!" I say, I almost forgot about that game. Last time I played it was 5 years ago. 

"Nah man, do you still like that game? Its boring, lets play Minecraft" "What? You asked me what to play!" I say a bit louder "Yes but I thought you had taste in games and you will choose Minecraft." Sapnap says getting out the disc with Minecraft on it. "Oh c'mon now. We always play Minecraft on computer" I say "Yeah but its different on Xbox" "Fine! How about we make a deal, we play rock, paper, scissors, if I lose we play Minecraft, if you lose we play Mortal Kombat" I request "Fine, lets do it like that then" 

He wins "HA! ITS MINECRAFT TIME BABY!" He shouts putting the disc on to start the game. 

We played for half an hour. We were still on the game when Sapnap says "Hey man, what happened you? I mean get that you wanted to play that game but you act weird, like something is in your mind. What happened?" I turn to look at him and I say "Huh? No, its nothing, what do you mean?"

 "Dream, I've known you for a long time, what happened? You can talk to me, I'm your friend." He sounded and looked worried so I decided to tell him even though I don't fully know myself what is actually wrong.

 "So, there is this boy. George, he comes at my dancing lessons. But, when I'm around him It feels good and wrong at the same time. When I dance with him makes me feel like I don't wanna let go of him. It feels wrong and right at the same time and I don't know what to do Sap." I told him.

He looks at me then says "That's a gay panic mate. Its gonna be hard to accept that you're gay, it happened to me, also took me two years to found who I was and to accept, if its gonna be the same for you, you can come and talk to me, I give good advices." I smiled, he was really a good friend. My best friend.

"So, I think its enough Minecraft how about a movie?" Sapnap suggested "Yeah, what movie?" I ask him. "365 days!" Sapnap shouts "No way I'm watching that, I don't like that types of movies. "Ok then, do you have George's number? If yes plan a date with him." He said with a big smile. "Yes I think I have him number. But are you sure it isn't weird?" I ask Sapnap "Nah man, look at me, I have two hot fiancés and how I got them? Same method." He said, I mean he was right. "Ok I will call him"

George Costumer



"Hi! Its me Clay!" I say, I liked his voice. His adorable British accent. "Really Dream? You tell him your real name and not the nickname? Wait, he's British? PFFT I'd love to see an American with a British dude" He joked "Sap shut the fuck up will you?"

"Is someone else there?"

"Oh yes, my friend Sapnap, he likes to make bad jokes" 

"Oh ok. So, why did you called Clay?"

"Oh, well um." I struggle "Just say it man, don't be a pussy" Sapnap whispers. I swallow and say "I think you're pretty cool and I was wandering if um, I don't know, maybe we should go out sometimes, or play some games, you know? If you want to." I tell George. I hear him laugh.

"Yes sure! You're pretty cool too! Maybe we should get to know each other, maybe tomorrow we should go bowling if you're free!"

I feel me heart rush. He thought I was pretty cool and he wanted to go out with me?  Oh Sapnap thank you so much. I thought to myself.

"Yeah. Tomorrow at 16:30 would be perfect! But bowling where? there are many places where we can go bowling."

"Yes, 16:30 its perfect and we can go at _______"

"Ok See you there then!"


Call ended

"SAPNAP THANK YOU, YOU HAD THE BEST IDEA!" He laughed "Yeah, yeah, told you I give good advice, but he should call you by your nickname, Clay sound weird on you." He said, I look at him and I say "Its not a weird name, you just got used to call me Dream

He really was my best friend


(1069 words)


I also came out to my dad some days ago, I told him that I like woman and he said same, went pretty good to be honest

Dance // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now