Let Me In

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I'm not entirely sure how I start this, thus far, I've only written fiction, so I'm not sure how I go about this, but I'm going to do what I can with what I have. Once again, I'd like to confirm that this is all true, this is something that is currently happening to my family and I am hoping that anyone who reads this will be respectful, please nobody decide to tell me that we're lying or that its for attention. I wanted to write this to share what's happening and because, honestly, our lives at the moment sound like a real life horror movie...


The Dogs

Where to begin, I guess I start when it started. Roughly three years ago, in 2019, my younger brother Aiden began seeing things. Naturally from the wording you can understand that what he was seeing, wasn't there. When this began, Aiden was thirteen and I was sixteen, I remember the first incident vividly. The house was quiet, it being midnight when this happened, all of a sudden, someone screamed bloody murder.

Our mother and I ran into Aiden's room, he was hysterical, crying and shaking and pointing to the end of his bed, saying, "There's a dog, there's a dog at the end of my bed!" We don't have dogs in this house. We tried getting closer to him to see if we could help, but I made the mistake of placing my hand on the bed, right where this apparition was. Aiden got even more upset, screaming louder.

We managed to get to him, our mum held him close, trying to calm him down and it seemed to be working, he'd stopped crying but was still breathing heavily and was shaking. I had turned the lights on, hoping that that would help, that maybe it was an active imagination misunderstanding shadows, but it didn't work. We brought Aiden out of the room, thinking we could have him sleep in another room of the house, that maybe what he was seeing would be detained to his room. Oddly enough, it was, but as we left he shrieked that there was another dog in that room.

Over the next few days, we found out more about what had happened that night and I had asked Aiden for some help writing this, so I got some notes on what he saw. According to Aiden, the dogs were Cocker Spaniels, so they weren't threatening or scary to him, he was just confused as to why and how they'd got there, considering his windows were locked and his door was closed. 

Aiden believes the dogs he were his friend's dogs, named Luna and Bear, what freaked him out more, other than the fact that the dogs shouldn't have been there considering how far away his friend lived, Bear had passed away a few months before this hallucination. My brother was scared because he was seeing a dog that he knew to be dead and cremated.

According to my more recent asking of information from Aiden, he had also recently seen split seconds of our own pet, who had passed away in late October, he had seen her walking a path she had walked everyday. He had also heard her scratching at furniture and walking on the laminate flooring downstairs, but that was after a more serious incident switched his hallucinations from purely visual to both visual and auditory.

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The Man In The Garden

This hallucination was, in my opinion, the most terrifying. I can't really remember when this happened but from Aiden's notes, I believe it happened this way. Aiden had gotten up, late at night and went into mum's room, acting fairly calmly as he told her, "There's a man, digging in our back garden."

Naturally, when being told that there was a potentially crazy person in our garden, mum got scared and then somehow I got involved, I can't remember if I was the sacrificial lamb or just that everyone was scared and needed me for something. When we looked outside, in the near pitch black darkness, we couldn't find anyone or any sign that someone was there and digging.

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