☁️🟦🚹Deidaraxreader part 3

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(Y/N)'s POV
I wake up and look at the time. 7:50.... 7:50?! I'm gonna be late to school! I quickly get changed and take off running to school. I check my phone and see a message from Deidara.

Barbie my beloved: You still owe me an ice cream, bakudan, and to do something together.
Barbie my beloved: Also your punishment for falling asleep.... Check the time

I look at the time. 6:00... son of a pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiip. I guess that explains why it's still a bit dark. I walk to Deidara's house and somehow open his window. I start poking his cheek. He opens his eyes slowly and stares at me. "What're you doing in my house?" "Closer than mine." "How did you-" "Window." "Wut." "Yeh. Now move over so I can get some sleep." He groans and moves to the side. "Good night."


I wake up and feel something wet on my neck. I look at the time. 6:50. Just some more minutes. I feel something bite me. "Ah what the hell?" I notice Deidara's gloves on his desk. I'm curious on what his hands look like and why's he hiding them. I pull his hand and see..... bandages?! It's as if he knew I was coming. Dang it. I'm just gonna go back to sleep. I stare at him for a while. He looks hot with his hair down. I see a smile form on his lips. "No, you're a psychopath. I'm never doing it again." Hm? Is he talking on his sleep? "Who the hell bites an ice cream, my teeth felt awful, un." Aww he's dreaming about me. I go back to sleep.

Five minutes later his alarm goes off. "Aw man." He yawns and starts moving his arm around. I feel his hand hit my face. "Dang it, shut up!" I bite his hand. "Get your hand off my face, idiot!" "Ow!" "Get changed." "No, let me sleep." "You have school!" "I don't care! Fuck you!" "Argh, get the fuck up!" "Neverrrrr!" "You know what? Fuck it." I pull a shirt from his drawer. "Get changed, dumbass!" "No!" I start taking off his shirt. "No, leave me alone!" He tries pushing my hands off. "Stay put, damn it!" I get on top of him and pin his hand on top of his head with mine, and start pulling off his shirt. "Let me go back to sleep!" I hear the door open and turn around to see a girl staring at us. There was a good thirty seconds of silence before I reacted. "It's not what it-" She shuts the door closed.

"You were right, brother's gay!" I blush and turn around to look at him. "This is all your fault! I'm so embarrassed! I thought you lived alone!" I notice him sleeping. "Wake up!" He yawns and blinks. "What happened?" "You're a dumbass! How will I face your sister again?" "With your face." "You're not supposed to answer!" I sigh and throw his shirt at his face. "Get changed." I go out the window. I wait at the door and he finally comes out. "Morning, sleepyhead." He yawns. "Morning."


I walk out of first period and walk to my locker. I notice a girl standing there. "Hi, Mako." I notice her hands behind her back. "Morning, (Y/N)-senpai!" She bows and I look at her oddly. "You seem nervous, did you forget about another quiz?" "N-no, not this time." "Then what happened?" "I uhhhh I-" "You?" I see Deidara walk to us. He pulls whatever was behind Makoto's back. "What's this?" "Give it back!" "Oh? Is this a love letter?" "N-no, give it back!" He opens it and starts reading it outloud. "-I just really li-" "Give it back, Deidara." I glare at him. He clicks his tongue and gives the letter back. "You're no fun." He pulls me to his chest. "He's mine, un." I turn red and stare at him in shock. "I-I'm not yours! You do this every time! It's so embarrassing!" "You love it." He sticks out his tongue. "So sorry about him, Mako. I'll give him some good talking to." I drag him away.

"You're so rude sometimes, Deidara! You do realize she's my friend, right?!" He simply stares at me. "You are supposed to answer!" "She doesn't want to be your friend." "Don't talk back, I'm scolding you!" He chuckles. "You're like a mom. Wanna have a sleepover?" "Huh?! I'm scolding you!" "I know, so?" "Dang it, Deidara! Of course I'll have a sleepover with you, now be serious! You're gonna go tomorrow and apologize to her!" "Tomorrow is Sat-" "Don't talk back!" "Yes ma'am! I mean sir!" He snickers as I glare at him. "You're so stupid, Deidara." I smile and place my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head. "Just for your entertainment." I chuckle and hug him. Dang it, this definitely looks like I'm his. "The sleepover is at my house, 'cause I'm never going to yours again." "It wasn't that bad!" "It was! And it was even worse 'cause my neck had drool 'cause your pet wouldn't stop licking it!" "We don't have a pet." "Huh?" "Something was licking your neck?" "Y-yeah... the devil's gonna drag me to hell now! I'm gonna die! It even bit me! The devil was gonna drag me to hell and there you were dreaming about ice cream!" I hear his heart start beating faster.

"I won't let the devil take you away, don't worry, un." He chuckles and plants a kiss on my neck as if he knew exactly where whatever was licking me was licking me. I blush and look up to stare at him. "Remember you owe me an ice cream, un." I nod. "What're you gonna tell her?" "Who?" "The girl." "Makoto?" "Yeah." "About what?" "The confession, un." "Oh, was it really a confession? I thought you were kidding." "No." "Well, she's like a little sister to me. I can't imagine her as anything else." "Good." I chuckle. "Besides, I have my eyes set on somebody else." "Who?" "Not gonna tell you." "Why?" "Having a secret makes me seem mysterious." I wink at him. He sighs. "Alright." He grabs my hand. "Let's go." "But we have another class before break." "I know." He winks at me. I fake gasp. "You wanna skip!" "I do." "Alright, let's go." He smiles and we walk away.

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