Please Don't Go-Part 2

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Part 2 requested by mehreatlsse

Jungkook watched Taehyung get into the back of the car. He ran for him, but was too late. The car got further away the more he ran. The next thing he knew, he was standing on the side of the highway watching the same car drive by. He could see the semi-truck coming from the other direction. "Taehyung! No! Guys! Guys! Taehyung!!" he screamed from the side of the road. It was no use, nobody could hear him. The car swerved into the wrong lane and the semi-truck layed on the horn.

"No! Taehyung! No!" Jungkook screamed as he shot up from bed. It was 3 am. He felt himself drenched in sweat and he was hyperventilating. He felt someone's arms wrap tightly around him, "I'm right here. I'm right here." Taehyung was holding him. Jungkook sunk himself against Taehyung and cried into his chest.

"It was the same dream, wasn't it?" Taehyung asked. He was worried for his maknae. It'd been two weeks since Taehyung's friends had been killed in a drunk driving accident, and Jungkook kept having the same nightmare almost every night. The nightmare of him not pulling Taehyung out of that car in time. The nightmare of losing his hyung forever.

"I can't make it stop," Jungkook cried. Taehyung wiped his maknae's tears with his shirt sleeve and held him close in the dark. He rubbed Jungkook's back, "It's just a dream, bunny. Take deep breaths."

"But it almost wasn't just a dream hyung."

"I know that. But I'm here, and I'm okay." He rocked Jungkook in his arms until his maknae was able to fall back asleep.

Taehyung felt terrible. The sadness had finally sunken in that his friends had been killed, and the reality of knowing he would have been too if Jungkook hadn't shown up when he did caused his own anxiety to heighten, yet he was managing it. Hobi encouraged both him and Jungkook to see a counselor but Taehyung insisted he didn't need to. Jungkook refused for unexplained reasons. Taehyung felt terrible that Jungkook had been having this same nightmare over and over. Sometimes Jungkook would wake up screaming and crying for Taehyung in the middle of the night, sometimes he'd just whimper in his sleep. The maknae slept in Taehyungs bed every night since the accident. He'd grown a bit clingy but Taehyung didn't mind, considering he really owed Jungkook his life.

The maknae was exhausted. Jin had tried various remedies to help him sleep through the night better. He would make Jungkook sleepy time tea, he'd give him some calming vitamins before bed. Yoongi and Namjoon bought him a noise machine to keep on at night. They didn't know how to relax him so he would stop having the nightmares. Taehyung was tired too considering Jungkook waking up meant Taehyung also waking up.

The next day at dance practice, Jungkook was noticeably exhausted. Taehyung told everyone to go easy on him because he'd had another one of his nightmares. So they did. They tried everything to let Jungkook know they were here for him. They found it kind of ironic that even though Taehyung had been the one initially in danger, Jungkook was the one taking it the hardest. Aside from some anxiety and sadness, Taehyung was doing alright. The hyungs had also been a bit different with Taehyung. After the accident they all found themselves being a bit more affectionate and spoiling Taehyung more than they usually did. Yoongi finally even gave Taehyung his hoodie that his dongsaeng had been begging for for years.

Jungkook was getting frustrated with how badly he felt he was practicing at rehearsals since they'd been back. He knew they were aware of what he was dealing with, but he felt like a burden anyway.

"I'm sorry, the nightmares are just exhausting me to no end," Jungkook apologized after another day where he felt unsuccessful. Jimin and Hobi told him not to worry about it.

Please Don't Go [Taehyung Hurtfic/Platonic Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now