About Now (LE SSERAFIM Yunjin x Reader)

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"자꾸 걱정만 돼 내가 없는 네 하루도
너도 나처럼 멍한지"
"I keep worrying, about your days without me
Are you also feeling blank like me?"
- Day6, About Now (지금쯤); 2019

Calling Boyfie💕...




"Hey oppa, how are you?"

"I'm fine Yunjin-ah, don't worry about me. How 'bout you? How's the debut stuff?"

How can I not worry? The bags under your eyes make you look like a corpse. I'm so sorry for calling you at this time, it's the only time I'm available. You understand that, right?

"Yah, Heo Yunjin!"

"Y-yes? I'm sorry for spacing out."

"Aish, are they overworking you there? You only space out when you're tired. Want me to come there and tell them to give the group more rest days?"

Dork, my loveable dork. I miss you.

"We're fine, oppa. I'm fine, I promise. Sure, we get tired but the company makes sure to give us enough rest days to recover and our promotions are nearly done so we decided to work a bit harder to give the fans the best goodbye stage ever."

"If you say so, anyways, why'd you call? Isn't it, like, 3 PM there? Are you sure you should be calling me right now? I swear to God if you're skipping practice just to call me then I'll just drop the call right now."

"I'm not, hun. I promise, practice ended an hour ago. You can even ask Kkura-unnie if you don't believe me."

"Maybe I should, just to be safe. And maybe I should check up on her too, it's been awhile since I've talked to her."

God, I hate that smirk. You know how easily jealous I get and because of that all of your teasing usually involves my members, especially Sakura and Chaewon-unnie. I'm not that worried though, I know you're only teasing me.

"Sure, go ahead. Call her and I ignore you for the next month, y'know, the month where we just rest and have tons of free time."

I say that like I can voluntarily ignore you for more than a day.

"Y-yah, Yunjin-ah. I was just joking, ok? Please don't ignore me."

"And if I do, what're you gonna do about it? It's not like you can contact me after I block you."

"Y-you're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking."

I could see how your eyes darkened, how the life in it seemingly got sucked up. Maybe I went too far.

"I am, oppa. Sorry for going too far with the teasing, just can't help it y'know? I guess I just miss teasing you after not doing it for while."

Your lips're trembling, please don't cry. I can't stop my tears once yours do.

"It's fine, Yunjin-ah. Honestly, I don't even know why it affected me so much. I know you were joking but, I guess, just the thought of not having any contact with you for another month just scared me."

"Scared? Why would you be scared if I ignored you?"

You took a deep breath before you looked at me straight in the eyes. Your eyes showed fear, anxiety and sadness. Are you breaking up with me? Please don't, I can't push through with being an idol without you.

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