Time Travel

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Me and Dad drive up to the tower, seeing Steve outside. Dad rolls down the window "Why the long face? Lemme guess he turned into a baby" Steve sighs "Among other things yeah. What are you doing here?" Dad starts getting out, as do I. "It's the EPR paradox." Dad says. I smirk "Instead of pushing Scott through time you may have ended up pushing time through Scott" Dad nods "It's tricky, dangerous. Someone coulda cautioned you against it" Steve sighs "You did" Dad shrugs "Oh did I? Well, thank God I'm here. Regardless I fixed it" He says, holding up a band around his hand "A fully functioning time-space GPS." Steve smirks at Dad "I just want peace" Dad says, walking to the trunk "Turns out resentment is corrosive and I hate it" Steve nods "Me too"

I open the trunk, pulling out Steve's shield. He sighs heavily "Guys I dunno" I raise an eyebrow "Why? He made it for you. Plus, honestly, we Gotta get it out of the garage or Morgan'll take it sledding" Steve smiles and takes it "Thanks you guys" Dad nods "Hey could you keep that a little quiet? I didn't bring one for the whole team. We are getting the whole team yeah?" Steve nods "We're working on that"

I walk up to Scott as the ship lands, Nebula putting a hand to her ear "Rhodey careful upon landing, there's an idiot in the landing zone" I roll my eyes "Cmon Nebula be nice" She ignores me and continues walking. Rhodey lands, and I jump on him in a hug "Rhodey! Man, I missed you" He smiles, hugging me back "Missed you too kiddo. Now come on, apparently, Clint is back too" My eyes widen "Really? Well, let's go then!" I say, grabbing Rhodey's arm. He grunts, chuckling "I can walk on my own (Y/N)" I ignore him and continue dragging him into the tower

When we make it inside I see Clint and Natasha. I run up to Clint, hugging him tightly "Clint!" *He chuckles "(Y/N)! What're you doing here Squirt?" I let go, crossing my arms "You think dad would let me miss out on *this*? You must be crazy" He chuckles "Good point, guess I expected you to be babysitting" I roll my eyes "Mom is at home with Morgan." He nods, but grunts when someone knocks into him, it was Thor "Thor! What're you doing here?" I say. Clint turns around, smiling and offering Thor a fistbump "Well I was bribed" I snort "Bruce and Rocket I'm guessing?" Thor nods "Indeed, now do you have any beer? Tequila? I'll even settle for Vodka" I shake my head "Hold on, Thor are you drunk?" He shrugs "Maybe a little bit" I sigh quietly "Go drink some water please" He shakes his head "I'll be fffine" There was an obvious slur in his voice "Thor Odinson, go get water" He groans "Fiiiiine" 

"You got him to listen, that's a shocker" Clint says, giving me a smirk. I roll my eyes "I can make anyone listen. Now cmon, dad'll kill us if we're late to his "brainstorming session"" Clint snorts, but before he could say anything I drag him down the hallway and into the meeting room. Dad looks at us, crossing his arms "You're late" I sigh "I know I know, calm yourself" 

Thanks for reading! Sorry it was short


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