chapter two ; uncomfy .

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At this point, I am already exhausted and I haven't even had two steps into the place. Holden puts and arm around my shoulder making me shit myself.

"Love," he whispers, "Let's have some fun tonight, like last night?" 

I roll my eyes, "Your so cocky Reid." I shove him, making him stumble away. "Darling, get over it." he acknowledges and ignores, kissing your temple and running away.

Kai ran up behind me tackling me into a headlock. "dickhead!" I screech and he cackles, placing an arm over your shoulder. "You with him?" he asks, nodding in the direction of Holden. My eyes widen. "What are you on about Kai?"

"You know. Are you guys like together? Because if you are I'd have to kick his ass." He looks at you, he's serious. That's new. "No Kai. I am not with your best friend, don't worry your pea brain out." I chirp.

"Bitch." he mumbles.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you pretty boy." I say to my brother.

He shakes his head as he walks past me, following Holden to the dimly lit corner we sit in every night.

I'm the last one to approach the table. I sit down, placing my bag and coat down in the pile above the booth.


1. Mariah already has her tongue down someone's throat and it's only been about half an hour at this point.

2. Noor is chatting some woman up at the bar and every guy near us is mumbling something about her.

3. Ingrid is asleep on Wes, somehow.

4. My head is on someones lap.

Wait hold on. WHAT.

I open my eyes when I feel fingers press to my temples, massaging my head. Holden.

He looks down at me and smirks, "Kai's not here, he's here somewhere," Holden looks around, pointing to the place with strobe lights, "right there. So, don't worry princess, I won't get a shoe up my ass." 

I relax, I don't know why I relax though. I guess it's because my brother can't glare at me every second and judge me for everything I do.

His fingers are in my hair now and my eyes open quickly, "What are you doing?" I question. "Braiding your hair." he replies, concentrating on braiding my hair.  The fuck? He's so soft with me tonight. "Have you had a drink?" I whisper and he shakes his head, "I am currently unable to Darling as your head is on my lap. Now shush, let me concentrate."

"Plus, you're stopping me from getting a drink which is good." he adds.

I raise a brow, watching his eyes flicker to mine ever so often. I never realised how green they were. Or his hair, his hair is a bleach blonde in dark light, or even the tattoo he has on his neck.

Holden is one fiine specimen.

Anyways, I'll carry on my list.

5. Kai is on the dance floor, dancing with some blonde girls.

6. Cleo is sulking because her non-boyfriend is dancing with other girls who look exactly like her.

7. Holden is braiding my hair.


He finishes braiding my hair before my brother comes back, I quickly lift my head up and swivel around. I place my head on the back of the booth.

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