False Gods drinking Grapejuice on Cornelia Street

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The two of you sat together on the couch, you had to thank the fact that the time you decided to get together it was the weekend you both had off. Harry had poured both of some expensive wine he was saving as we sat together. Though you think that you were drunk on something far more stronger than anything you could drink.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." You said, casually, your eyes trained on the wine as Harry's head shot up to look at you.

"You are talking to the wine?" Harry questioned, you laugh at this as you look over at him.

"No! I'm talking about you-I just. I feel safe." You remarked. "We have this fresh start, and I just want to fill in all the blanks with you. If that makes sense."

"It does."

"Really? You tend to say nice things."

"I only say nice things that are true."


"Yes, really." Harry replied, reaching for your hand. Your hand slipped into his as your face found his. It was like everything was pointing towards Harry, like there was a arrowhead leading me home. You set down in your wine and moved closer to Harry, his hand coming to lace in your hair as you laid your head down on the couch cushion looking at him. Your hand reaches to trail down the fabric on his chest, memorizing the way he smelled and to his soft skin. You felt a sinking feeling in your chest, the thought of losing this coming to your mind. Your hand freezes on his neck, hickies imbended in his skin. If you lost this you don't know if you could ever love someone again.

"It's hard though."

"What's hard?" Harry asked, you giggled. "Oh come on, I'm being serious."

"The thought of losing it, before I lost it before I even had it, now if I lose you, I'll know what it feels like to have you and it will make everything that much worse. I wouldn't be able to forget you and everything would scream your name. I'm terrified of if you ever walk away." You admitted, Harry's thumb went to your mouth as he soothed the skin around your frowning mouth. A stray tear falling down your cheek from the pain, the pain of trying to deny him, the pain of turning him away all that time ago. When all you wanted to do was wrap him in your arms and tell him how much you loved him. How much he meant to you, all of the future you saw with him and the disappointment you were scared of. "I hope I never lose you, hope this never ends. That would be the kinda heartbreak time could never mend."

Harry moved his head down to yours, his eyes finding yours, spurring hope into your heart as he looked at you. "The exact thoughts I've been having since reuniting with you. What if I did something to mess this up, to make you uncomfortable, say one word or do one thing that would prove to you that I am the asshole who broke your heart. That's all I would ever want to be you, and the want for you. It was the hardest thing to have, nothing could fix it but you."

"You weren't ever leading me on? Back when we-we were playing games, I guess."

"No, god no."

You closed your eyes as the windows you had shut flung right open, the autumn air flowing in. "Let's go for a walk."

The two of you start walking throughout the streets, the jacket around your shoulders was his, your hand in his as you leaned against him. Memorizing the feeling of his hand in yours, a sunny afternoon out of the rains from the last couple of days. Harry pulled you to his side as you stumbled upon a flower shop, he kissed your head, leading you in.

"You like flowers?"

"I do like flowers."

"Pick some out."

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