~Chapter 17~

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Gulps of cold water slid down her throat, a towel wrapped around her neck from the little sweat that trickled down her gleaming skin.

"Great job, Punk. You're better than before," Undyne complimented, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"You were absolutely incredible!" Papyrus commented.

"Thanks. However, I need to improve though. My skills in combat and martial arts can only take me so far," Tamia muttered to herself, criticizing aloud in thought. She wore a black sports bra and leggings with sneakers, showing off her toned body.

"Then do you mind sparring against me one on one just to test those skills past their limits?" A voice spoke from the doorway. Tamia and Undyne turned their heads to the voice in which belonged to G.

He was wearing a suit and yet, he wanted to spar with her. However, she didn't question the decision and accepted.

Lucky the tape around her hands were still on, so she wouldn't have to prepare.

"Alright... Just don't expect me to go easy on you, G," Tamia warned, already in fight position. G took off his jacket and tossed it to the side. He rolled up his sleeves and loosened his tie. G chuckled darkly, parting his feet and raised his fists.

"Trust me, Doll... I don't."

Papyrus looked in between the two, a hand rubbing his chin. "Hm... Things just got a lot more interesting."

Undyne got in between the both, taking position of the referee.

"On the count of three you will start! Ready?" she established. Tension filled the air in anticipation to strike first.


Tamia steadied her heartbeat and focused, analyzing G's stature. Most likely to strike with his right hand because he's right dominant, although he could switch alternatives....


Right side dominant...


Don't let him take advantage of your weak spots.

Tamia was the first to strike with a roundhouse kick. G ducked, completely avoiding the attack and jumped back. She ran at him with multiple punches and kicks, G blocking and dodging them all. This made Tamia grow in slight frustration, questions wracking through her mind.

Why was he not fighting back? Why was he not trying to take her down? She's seen what he can do with magic and he was strong, so he had to be even stronger without it.

As they fought, a small smirk appeared on G's boney lips, Tamia catching on immediately. That's it. He wasn't fighting back because he was doing this to tire her out so he could then strike.

She jumped back, pausing the fight between them.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? To tire me out so you can strike last minute when I don't have the energy or breath," Tamia concluded, a grimaced expression on her face. Her fists tightened, swirling madness creeping around in her dark chocolate brown eyes.

"Ah, you noticed finally," G huffed, fixing the tape around his phalanges. His tone was calm and casual. Tamia raised her fists, legs parting in fight position.

"I won't move until you attempt to land the first hit. Take your best shot."

"You sure about that, Doll? I hit hard you know," G said honestly, rolling his shoulders back.

"I can take it, now come at me," she gestured.

"Alright, just remember I warned you," he sighed.

With fast precision, G strikes with a roundhouse kick, Tamia getting ready to block the hit. Just then he dropped low, swinging his leg, Tamia jumped back last minute caught off guard.

I'm a Fighter, Not a Lover (Don G x OC) Mafiatale/MobtaleWhere stories live. Discover now