Im sorry L

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After the battle with mob the words that Teru said to him played in Teru's mind on repeat
"Our will all be over"
They haunted him he felt awful why did he even say that??

But that was the past, right now, Teru is laying in seasoning hospital. Mob had hurt him bad, yes, but it wasn't enough for Teru. Mob fought him with some of his strength, he proved once again that he was amazing. That was a blessing to Teruki not a punishment.
Then suddenly the smooth sound of a sliding door interrupted Teru's thoughts. It was mob.
He flinched at the use of the first name but he kept looking away. He looked guilty. He looked sad, and usually you can barely tell how he feels. Why was he so distraught? What did he come here to tell him? Does he remember what he said to him? Does he not wanna be friends anymore? Does he wanna be more- no. Maybe he just wants to talk about it? Is he losing mob? He probably doesn't wanna see me like this. Teru thought to himself, his mind cluttered with worries and hopes. Mob walked up to his bed. "Uhm, I- I'm sorry Hanazawa."
"You're fine kageyama-"
"I beat you up.. your leg snapped.. not to mention your back and-" mob looked down at his feet clenching his fists, holding tight onto a gift bag he'd brought.
"Listen, hey look at me Kageyama" Teru said with a smile. Mob looked up and made eye contact with the blue eyed boy. He was pretty, the sun was making his eyes shine and highlighted all of his charming features. Straight out of a manga. It was no wonder to mob of why Teruki Hanazawa was popular amongst the Girls. Mob looked away for a second only to look back at the dashing boy.
"You where amazing. You're so strong and I should be the one saying sorry." Mob parted his lips as to say something but couldn't.
"I made you act like that I put up a stupid act, I said.. some really stupid things, I deserved the pain, I deserve this."
"You didn't say anything-"
Mob knew what Teru said, he wanted to brush it off even though it hurt him. "Ah- oh. H-hanazawa!"
Teru was crying. His hand over his face. "Hanazawa you're fine!!"
"Listen. I uhm. Ah." Mob didn't know how to help, what to say, how to calm him down. " you didn't deserve that. N. No one deserves that" 
Teru grabbed mob's shoulders in a haste and pulled him in for a hug. Mob didn't realize what was happening until he was in his arms. His eyes where wide and he was motionless. "Please..." he could feel Teruki shaking. Teru's hands spread out against mobs back. "Please don't leave me." Teru closed his fists latching onto mob's school uniform. Mob then wrapped his arms around Teru. Teru took this as an "I'm not leaving you " and squeezed tighter. "Thank you. So much kageyama"  Teru shook with every sob. They where loud, he really felt bad about this.
    It was an awkward hug to say the least. Teru sitting on a hospital bed with a leg sling, twisted sideways so he could face mob. And mob standing, holding the crying blonde boy in his arms. letting him break down, Mob slid a hand into the blond threads of hair (but only at the back of his head) and played with his hair. Rubbing his head, he knew what to do now. "I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize " "I never should have said that " "it's okay, I forgive you.

They pulled away seeing as Teru stopped sobbing. They both looked at eachother

"Are we still friends?"

Mob pulled him into another hug. "Of course, teruki"

Teru wanted a kiss, but this was close enough.

Teru / Mob "im sorry"Where stories live. Discover now