Things Unsaid

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I was fighting for my life trying to cover my mouth and muffle my moans as I watched Tyler suck me off and finger me from under me.

Alice spoke on the phone but I wasn't listening to not a word she was saying as my attention was given all to Tyler

I let put a sharp whine by accident causing him to stop

"Quiet honey" he said lowly and resumed making me jerk my hips up

"What was that? Are you ok??" Alice asked concerned

I tried to steady my breathing enough to respond

"Yeah I'm fine, it was just the tv"

"Oh, well turn it down a bit sounds a little too real, anyway..."

She continued to blabber on as Tyler continued to go to work rubbing circles on my prostate making my toes curl and my eyes water a bit

That's when Alice's voice started to sound like a fire truck that just got louder and louder and louder until I realized what was happening

I woke up out my sleep sweaty from the wet dream and confused by my alarm clock but looking down it seemed my dick had woken up way earlier than me

I groaned wanting to go back to my dream but obviously my alarm clock didn't want me to be happy

I got up and picked out 2 outfits for today, 1 for school and 1 for the party tonight. Only I was extra careful, keeping only one thing in mind: Tyler

That's when my phone buzzed causing me to jump

T 🤔
- hey

- hey, wassup?

T 🤔
- nothing, just wanted to see if you were still there. was starting to think you were fucking dead

I was getting ready to respond when the texting bubbles started bopped up and down

T 🤔
- but I also wanted to know if you wanted to walk to today? i know we weren't really talking, it was kinda bugging me not speaking to you

I smiled, happy to finally hear from him

- of course, but do you mind coming a little early? I think we should talk a bit

T 🤔
- Sure, I'll be there in like 10 minutes

I put down down my phone and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up before I got dressed quickly, making sure to get every little wrinkle out before spraying myself with a little cologne

I waited another 7 minutes before I got excited at the knock at the door

End of POV


I stepped up to the porch of the blue house and took a deep breath before knocking, the door opening to see the only person I wanted to see at the moment: Wyatt

He smiled and grabbed my hand to pull me inside. I heard a voice from the couch and looked slightly past him to see his mom on the couch

"Hello, Wyatt who's your friend?"

I swallowed hard, not expecting to meet his family this early

He stepped out the way to let me answer the question

"Hi, I'm Tyler, a good friend of Wyatt's from school. It's cool to meet you ig"

She nodded and continued to question "How long have you been friends?"

Why the fuck do I keep getting this stupid ass question from peoples parents?

"Since the first day of school basically, we have a few classes together"

"Oh really? This is the first time I'm hearing of you"

She looked over at Wyatt who looked annoyed and they seemed to have an argument with their eyes if that makes sense, but he finally spoke breaking it up

"Well, thanks for the introduction mom, we'll just be up in my room if you wanna find us"

I opened my mouth to respond, only from Wyatt to take my hand again and pull me up the stairs and done the hall to his room

"Do you have something going on with your mom? You seem tense as shit around her"

He opened the door and pulled me inside seemingly examining and putting my hat to the side before pulling me in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he hastily kissed me, gently grabbing on my ears.

His tongue shyly made its way out, allowing me to suck on it causing him to let out a moan and pull away from the kiss

"Nigga is that a yes or a no?"

He looked at me as if he wanted to slap me for practically ignoring the kiss

"Why does it fucking matter? She's always gonna be an asshole at the end of the day"

I tried to explain myself to 'em but he just walked away to his and started rambling for something, pulling out a beat up pair of converses and walked over to sit next to me

Glancing at me, he signaled for me to move over a patiently started putting in his shoes

I was EXTREMELY fucking confused at this cause why in the world was he putting on his shoes so fucking slow

When he finished he straightened his back, turned to me and said plain and simply

"I want her out the picture"

He kissed me before I could respond, grabbed his backpack and hurried out the door

I fell back on the bed and thought

'Get her out the picture'

A/N: Hola, another chapter on the way today, been a bad day but just felt like writing something
- Spideyy 🕷️

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