Chapter 1

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                                   It is hot out in this lake today, wherever that is. pa has been working hard oh his ''charms and spells'' ever since the drought started six months back

Saba explains that Pa has been different ever since Ma died. he doesn't treat their youngest sister Lia like he treated her and josh when they were kids. while josh repairs the roof of their house, the Saba  plays with her best friend Niya. Niya, as it happens, is not a Roman emperor, but a crow. The pair can communicatee somehow. Emmi tries to help out, but Saba coldly tells her to get her butt moving. this is apparently her thing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Meanwhile, Pa is stomping out some sort of sacred circle in the field. he calls to Josh and Saba to come help him out. annoyed by his father's superstitions, Josh runs over ranting and smashes Pa's makeshift altar. He calls him ''crazy'' and runs off. Saba finds  Josh ''at Ma's rock garden''. Ma died soon after giving birth to Emmi  due to medical complications. That might explain Saba's anger toward her little sister.                                                                                                      Josh tells Saba that he wants to leave the lake. Given that they live in the middle of wasteland, however, and that their only neighbor is some weirdo named John who uses a drug called chaal, that's going to be a lot easier said than done. Both siblings have a ''birthmoon tattoo'' on their birth in midwinter. Pa apparently moonlights on L.A                                                                                  After skipping stones, the kids head home. But something bad is headed their way;


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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