R1| Day 1

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Now that the Bloodbath is over, each tribute must decide what to do next...


Lavendernose decided to explore the area she was in. She was just barely into ShadowClan territory, with nothing terribly exciting nearby. But she did find some medium herbs! 

Ravenwillow didn't want to stay on spot so soon after the bloodbath, so he traveled southeast, crossing into ThunderClan territory. 

Nightlight found herself in ShadowClan camp and took a drink of water before moving on, continuing to travel east. However, halfway though the day she encountered the edge of the arena, and simply turned around and headed back west to where she'd started. 

Berrywhisker watched Nightlight find water in the ShadowClan camp and waited for her to move on, then he took a drink himself before deciding to spend the day hunting. However, his hunt was interrupted by Nightlight returning! Berrywhisker pounced on her and attacked ferociously, and Nightlight, caught off guard beneath him, suffered several hits in succession before she could flip them both over and attack back. Berrywhisker struggled underneath her claws before he finally reached up and grasped her neck in his jaws, pulling her down sharply. The light left Nightlight's eyes. Berrywhisker shoved her body off from on top of him and staggered back to his feet, panting hard. 

A wolf howls. Nightlight is dead! 

Troutdip had reached the eastern edge of the arena, so he turned and followed it south to the Twolegplace. 

Birchfrost was concerned about keeping his strength up during the games, so he spent the day hunting where he was at the edge of ThunderClan territory, and managed to catch a small prey, which he then ate. 

Stonewave was at the edge of ShadowClan territory, and decided not to waste any time in setting the tribute trap he'd found in his pack. He spent the day figuring out how it worked and setting it up perfectly so that any unsuspecting tribute that came across it would get caught. After it was ready Stonewave started walking away, he was startled by Lavendernose wandering into his path! Lavendernose growled and jumped towards him, but Stonewave turned tail and fled to the northwest.  

Russetflame took a drink from a nearby stream before continuing to travel, this time heading north. She didn't get very far, but that's okay. She ended up at the edge of ThunderClan territory, where she found Birchfrost! The two tributes squared off with claws unsheathed. Birchfrost pounced on Russetflame and they became locked in a wrestling match, biting and scratching wherever they could reach. It was a very close fight, but finally the fur settled to reveal Russetflame standing over Birchfrost's motionless form. 

A wolf howls. Birchfrost is dead! 

Snakemouth decided that the best idea might be to track down a tribute while he was still at full strength, before the Games wore him down. He'd only just started tracking when he came across Troutdip's scent. Snakemouth ambushed the other tom, striking hard before Troutdip could notice him. Troutdip tried to run away, but Snakemouth chased him down and caught him, and the fight began. Feeling trapped and desperate, Troutdip turned and counterattacked fiercely, catching Snakemouth off guard. Troutdip managed to land a few good hits in before Snakemouth could recover, and it was enough to turn the tides despite Snakemouth's strong start. Troutdip managed to batter his opponent down and eventually take his life.

A wolf howls. Snakemouth is dead! 

Jackalface was in the southeastern corner of the arena, so he retraced his steps and traveled northwest, hoping that Fourtrees had been vacated by now and he could pick over any leftover supplies. 

Nectarsting drank from the nearby river, and then spent the day traveling north along the edge of ThunderClan territory. Eventually, she happened upon Russetflame. Russetflame was gravely injured, but Nectarsting didn't want to take the chance, and fled back south.

Sunsetpelt took a drink from the river and then continued traveling southwest. When ze reached the southern edge of the arena, ze turned and went north instead. 

Dawn'slash drank water from the Cornucopia and then left Fourtrees with her loot, heading northeast into ShadowClan territory. She found the ShadowClan camp, and with it, Berrywhisker. Poor Berrywhisker was already near death after his battle with Nightlight, and didn't stand a chance against Dawnslash's claws. Dawnslash took the medium herbs from the fallen tribute, exchanging them for her water packet. 

A wolf howls. Berrywhisker is dead!

Snowpatch paused to get a drink from the river and then kept traveling, heading southwest and then northwest through RiverClan territory after she encountered the southern edge of the arena. 

Mizzlesky drank at the river and then traveled northeast at a quick pace, crossing an impressive distance and ending up in ShadowClan territory.

Cloverskip spent the day hunting, after drinking water from the river. He caught a small prey and happily ate it. 

Pineclaw found himself at the Twoleg Barn in WindClan territory, and found a basin full of water which he drank from. He then spent the day exploring the farm. He found small herbs, but just as he was putting them in his inventory, he was startled by the sound of dogs barking. 

Pineclaw has triggered an arena trap! 

Pineclaw looked up to see two large dogs barreling in his direction. Pineclaw immediately turned tail and fled east -- thankfully, he was faster than the dogs and managed to escape them. The barking eventually subsided as the dogs gave up and returned to the farm.  

Copperburn needed to put more distance between herself and Fourtrees, so she spent the day traveling southwest and eventually crossed into RiverClan territory. There, she encountered Snowpatch -- all Copperburn had to do was hiss and Snowpatch raced away to the southeast. 

Sharpwhisper had the same idea as Jackalface, and returned southeast back to Fourtrees to investigate the situation there. Of course, there he found Jackalface. Feeling brave, Sharpwhisper snarled and stepped forward menacingly. Jackalface backed away, then turned and ran northwest.

Nightwhisper was near Highstones, but there wasn't much there for her, so she spent the day traveling south back into WindClan territory. Unfortunately, she had to cross a thunderpath, and even though she'd thought the coast was clear, a monster bore down on her before she could clear the path. Nightwhisper leapt out of the way just as its round paw hit Nightwhisper with a glancing blow. Nightwhisper made it to the other side, only slightly injured. 

Duskstone thought he was in a good spot to set up his tribute trap, on the edge of WindClan territory near a thunderpath. He took his time setting it up so that it was both well-concealed and deadly. He was finished with the trap when Jackalface ran into him. Duskstone didn't hesitate to lash out defensively, and the two got caught in battle. Duskstone was stronger, but Jackalface managed to sink his teeth into Duskstone's leg before Duskstone pinned him down and bit back twice as fiercely. A few more hits and Jackalface was down. 

A wolf howls. Jackalface is dead! 

Waspthorn took a break to eat part of his large prey, storing the rest of it as a medium prey back in his inventory. He then continued to travel northeast, ending up deep in ShadowClan territory.


The sun sets on an arena with much fewer tributes than before. There were 5 deaths this chapter. 

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