Chapter 7

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Y/n pov

The week went like this, taehyung was good and rude at the same time... suho always act friendly and good.. its nice of him but i dont feel much comfortable with him but with taehyung i feel comfortable.. dont know why this brat is like this...

It was weekend and as per the promise i have to go out with taehyung...
He said to came at his place.
I got ready and went to his house..

At his house

I ring the bell twice or thrice and then he came out.. this brat dont listen at once.

Me- soo where are me going?
Taehyung- amusement park
Me- w-what.. YAYYYYYY!!
(I started jumping in happiness)
Taehyung- why are you jumping like a 3 yrs old going to amusement park for the first time?
Me- yes bcz its my first time (i said while doing tiny dance)
Taehyung- your first time huh?
I stopped dancing as i realise what just happened...
Me- y-yes.. my mom dad never took me there.
(I said while forcing a smile, and i guess taehyung understand the atmosphere)
Taehyung- its okay lets go now..
Taehyung took me to his he have so many cars.. i feel like i am in a showroom..
We sat in one of his car and he drove to amusement park..

At the park

We walked inside while the shining in my eyes never left...

Taehyung pov
I felt a little bad listening his parents never took her to amusement park , i knew something was wrong but i decided not to speak...
We sat in the car and i drove to the park..
While walking inside i can see her squealing like a baby..

Yah taehyung what are you thinking..
I shpok my head when i feel her saying something..

Back to y/n pov

Me- taehyung lets ride something...
Taehyung- what about the roller coaster?
Me- u-uh.. it looks scary
Taehyung- *smirk* weak..
Me- yah i am not weak..
Taehyung- then lets go
Me- fine...

We bought the tickets and went to roller coaster.
Well lemme tell you that taehyung never sat in roller coaster before..

Taehyung- y/n if you are scared, you can hold my hand.. i know u will get scared.. u scardy cat
Me- ill not..

The roller coaster started and woahhhhh it was soo good...
I screamed in happiness and looked at my side but..
I was a scared taehyung..

Me- *laughs* what happen taehyung?
Taehyung- ahhhhhhhhhh its about to go down..
(He grabbed my hand)
Me- yah let it go
Taehyung- please no...
(The roller coaster went down)

(The roller coaster ended and taehyung came out feeling dizzy)

(The roller coaster ended and taehyung came out feeling dizzy)

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Me- it was so good right?
Taehyung- w-what
Me- *smirk* u r weak
Taehyung- y-yah i am not..
Me- TAEHYUNG IS WEAK, TAEHYUNG IS SCAREDY CAT, ahhh ahhh , you were screaming like this..
(I mimiced him while he looked at me with a done face)

We played around and have fun..
We did car game also and we kept hitting each other and bumping our cars...
It was very fun, i always wished to go to amusement park but never thought with this person..

After that we went for dinner..
He said he drop me to my house as it was late.. i told him my address and he dropped me..
Sometimes this rude brat acts good..

I went to sleep smiling myself, it was a great weekend..

Hehe😉i am back beautiful beautiful armies..
Hope u are liking the ff
I am trying to make it normal, as a student... if u are feeling bored or thinking to get some changes so u can comment me and ill try to improve myself..i will be uploading next part asap
Till then take care.. byei

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