Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

I was walking in the hallways not knowing where to go...
My 1st day in collage...

Meet me... Y/n (surmane)
17 years old..
I got early admission in this collage..
I am indian, my parents *sigh* well they never supported me, they always scold me and never took care of me. My aunt live in korea, she called me here.. i am glad that i dont have to live with my parents anymore...
Yehh!! Thats all about me..

While searching for the principals office i bump into someone and fell on the floor...
I looked up to see the most beautiful man ever..
???- dont u have eyes? Walk while keeping your eyes in front... loser!

(With that he went from there...loser?? HOW RUDE.. i was gonna call him but when i see back, he was nowhere)

I got up by myself and after a good 10 mins search i finally found the office..
Taking my schedule i went to my furst class..
First floor then turn right, from there 3rd classroom..

I walked to my class and breath in and out getting courage, i opened the door and stepped inside catching everyone attention...

Teacher- guys we have a new student here.. pls introduce yourself..

I walked in and stood in front of everyone..
Me- Hello everyone! Myself y/n (yr surname) I am indian but i know how to speak korean.. hope we'll get along...
(I smiled and roamed my eyes in the class.. some were happy, some were just bored while some were just looking at me... then my eyes fell on a boy in the last.. his head was down and he didnt paid any attention...he is the same boy from the hallways... That brat..)

Teacher- ok y/n, go sit with taehyung..Taehyung raise your hand..

The boy named taehyung raised his hand and HE IS THAT BRAT... Fck my luckkk!!!
He finally look up to see and his eyes met mine... he was surprised seeing me here but soon smirked..
I took a seat besides him..
Taehyung- oh so loser came after me..
Me- shut up! Its also my class..
Taehyung- whatever! (With that he again put his head down)
Lunch break
I entered in cafeteria looking for the empty seats but couldnt find any...
My eyes landed on a big table all empty.. i quickly went and sat their but students started looking at me...
Did i do something wrong?
I was peacefully chewing my food when i heard scream...
The food got stucked as i coughed...
Did someone attacked the collage??
I look in front and saw 7 angel looking boys coming in cafeteria and fangirls surrounding him screaming!!
Ewww!! But wait--
I saw taehyung one of the 7 boys...
They all entered in cafeteria and started walking towards me...
Wait- this seats belong to them??
Taehyung- loser? Why u always around me...
Move! This is our seat...
Me- i dont want to be near u, i just coudnt find any seat..
Taehyung- i dont care.. just go from here...
One of his friend speak- let her sit here
You can sit here..(he said and smile.. aww his dimples)
I eat food with them and got to know there names...
After lunch break

The lectures again started but i was feeling so uncomfortable with him...
He kept disturbing me, making drawing on my notebooks , hitting his legs on my legs.. he is soo annoying..
Me- can u pls stop...
He kept doing it...
Teacher- Why are you shouting y/n?
Me- n-no mam taehyung keeps distrubing me...
Taehyung- *yawns* i didnt do anything...
Me- but mam-
Teacher- out!!
I sighed and angryily dragged my legs out of the class while taehyung behind me...
Outside of class
Me- why would u do that?
He kept quite...
Me- bcz of you, i am standing here...
He was still quite..
Me- why the fck are u silent..
Taehyung- shut up.. annoying loser..
My jaw drop..
Me- huh! U r annoying.. BRAT
He didnt said anything so i also thought to stop talking...
After 30 mins
The bell rang and teacher came outside..
Teacher- u both.. go inside the class, this should not happen again..
Me- yes mam..
We went inside..

Taehyung looked unbothered..

The bell finally rang..
Me- Finally time to go home.. away from this creature..
I got up and started going to my locker when someone pushed me...
I fell on ground and looked back to see 3 girls..
Girl- u bitch! Keep your dirty body away from my taehyung...
I got up and understand everything..
Me- shutup okay.. i am not dying to sit with him..
Girl- now u will talk back huh!
She was going to slap me...
But someone held her hand..
Me- taehyung?
Taehyung yanked the girl away and walked from there after giving a glare to the girls...
Girl- i will see u later sl*t..mind my words
She said and went...

What was that?

This collage.. sigh...
Whatever (with that i went from there)

GUYS hope u like this chapter... i guess this ep was not that interesting but i will try my best...

Also, MY STALKER cover 👇

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