chapter 1 sunlight, sunset

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somewhere out in the rural outskirts of an empire, giggles and laugh of the young ones are heard. their life was simple. whatever they planted or hunted, they harvested and served to the mass as a whole. with just more than 50 villagers in residence on this peaceful faraway village, whatever that was gained, was shared.

"ma, ma! see what me and elder brother gulf made!" a pair of young ones ran towards their mother carefully carrying at the palm of her hand a boat seemingly made out of leaves and a large seed of a tree. the elder one ran after his little sister until they were inside their small cottage made out of sturdy twigs and branches as walls and tough weeds as their ceiling. there never was so much rain as to be concerned with a flood or being trampled upon by strong winds. its like spring all year round. with the forest that surrounds the whole village and a dependable wall to keep them safe from wild beasts and unwanted intruders, it was rather peaceful. nevertheless, the flowers that bloom beyond the wall in the vast expanse of a meadow, captures the delight of the old and the young alike.

gulf adoringly shook his head at his little sisters hyper giggles. shes so happy at his gift, it made his chest felt warm and made him smile.

"wow! thats so pretty, honey! did you say thank you to your brother?" their mother teased as she lower her head in level to her 5 year old daughters height.

"thank you, elder brother gulf! i like it so much!" she giggled as she turned her little head towards his direction and gave him a wide smile.

"better keep your promise then, kitty. otherwise, youll do the dishes until fortnight." gulf gave her a sly smile.

"promise? what promise?" their mom asked as if troubled.

"she just... promised to feed the chickens for a week in exchange for that." gulf replied as he reached for the jar of dried sweetened mangoes that his mother skillfully made.

"oh, but who told you young man that you could eat that when its time for the village dinner?" his mom stood up to her height settling her hands on her hips in authority.

"b-but mo~om! im hungry!" gulf slumped as he took a seat as if he was fatigued and out of energy.

"pull your ass up young man! youre old enough to help the village through hunting but here you are playing and cooking! are you a girl, gulf? youre very much a wife material than a man of the house!" his mom bellowed.

"mom, i may be a man but can i not educate myself to know how to cook from my very lovely and beautiful mother?" gulf stood up and back hugged his fuming mother who eventually melted at his sons delightful remarks.

"you sweet talker! no wonder where you get that trait. your father will be so proud of you, gulf. even though hes not here anymore at least i got you and your sister." his mom said as her eyes glistened in remembrance of their late father who died in the battlefield when they helped the now enthroned emperor gain his rightful place.

"mom! no tears! you promised!" gulf exclaimed as he heard his mothers voice cracking.

"no... im... not crying... see!" his mom wiggled his way out of his 17 year old sons arms and wiped his face clear of the obvious tear.

"i better prepare our share on the table, mom. i hope no one will pester me again. especially the one who named tee." gulf pulled out a large pan and a wok. hell do a simple dish that everyone will hopefully like.

"be nice to tee, gulf. even though hes a little bossy, hes a nice friend." his mom reprimanded as he chopped apples.

"friend? asking me for shameful stuff everytime he saw my shadow is a friend, mom? really?" he said as he started the fire over a make-shift stove made of large stones.

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