chapter 10 loose ends

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3 days passed after gulfs heat, the couple emerged from their chamber towards gulfs gazebo.

when they reached the gardens, gulf stirred from his sleep. sensing the awakening of his mate, mew cuddled gulfs head to his neck making the other sniff his scent and snuggled more as he wrapped his hands over his neck.

mew chuckled at his sweet mates actions and laughed a bit more when he tried to pry his hands away from his neck. gulf just held on tighter. without much choice, mew laid down beside him and wrapped him in his arms as well.

"i know youre awake, my empress. and i know that your heat already dwindled down to at least nothing but... youre so cuddly and adorable. i cant get enough of you!" mew giggled away earning a pout from the other.

"c-cant breathe, m-mew."

"still stuttering when you call me by my name, huh, my empress." mew smirked.

"that i will still do so, my emperor. ill never really get used to calling you by your name so casually." gulf pouted.

"but youre the only who can call me that way, my love. even my parents before dont call me by my name."

"fine. but only in our chamber or heaven forbids, when im in absolute annoyance of you."

"agreed. gulf?" mew saw his mate grew silent by the minute. "whats the matter, my dear?"

"it just that. this happiness, my emperor, makes me forget of how i came to be right here in your arms. im just so curious and worried of what happened to my fellow villagers and to my friend, mild. he was sold into slavery the very day sir arnold bought us. i did not hear from him ever since, my emperor. its been nagging at my conscience that i didnt have the power to protect him as well as my sister." gulf said looking at the eyes of his beloved until tears ran down from his glowing face.

"i'll track him down, love. dont worry. i will not have you be ill with such worry."

gulf just nodded as sleep took him. the warmth from the suns rays and the soft breeze coming from the lake lull him to a comforting sleep with the scent of his mate and his arms wrapped around him.

four days had passed, the palace was in uproar since the crowning and the wedding of the empress will occur. it was too short of notice but the council had approved of it since the emperor was not what they had been used to. he was as fierce as a tiger, majestic as a lion and wiser than any scholar known to man.

gulf was in his vanity dresser combing his hair. itll be nearly a week that his birthday had passed and now hes wondering if he would ever celebrate it. mew seemed to had forgotten it.

"maybe he doesnt know." gulf murmured to himself as he stared at himself. so much had happened to him for the last few months. the loss of his mother and friends, them being thrown into slavery, his worry about his best friend mild, being the mate of the ultimate ruler of the land and being his empress at that. if anybody, he could get a whiplash of how fast things are moving for him.


does he have any say on his fate?

can he be the owner of his fate?

he was full of questions and doubts but everytime mews words came into his mind a glow of a smile appears on his wary face. no matter what difficulties that he may have, he knew mew will be there to support him. he may doubt every person in this world but one... maybe two... or three. mild, his sister and his beloved mate, mew.

relinquishing all the heavy burdens in his heart, gulf let out a huge sigh and went out of their chamber where his retinue waited for him. his usual route would be his wing, the pavillion, library, lunch with mew then back to the pavillon, visiting the concubines - though hes still wondering whats their use since mew doesnt want them, meeting mew wherever he is, then dinner with his beloved at his wing where they talked about their day, and lastly at their chamber where... um... the aftermath will be them sleeping naked in each others arms.

during those days mew had told him his would-be responsibilities as the empress. it would be much tedious than what he was used to in these past few days but it will be with mew for some tasks and just him on some other. mew just assures him that whatever will be his decisions on matters given to him, it will be in the emperors authority. in the past itll be just a verbal authority but once he was crowned as empress, the law of the land punishes whoever sways from his authority.

gulf wanted to inform mew about his birthday but given that he was too busy with the coronation as well as the wedding, he didnt have the chance.

the day before the event, gulf was whisked away from left to right. fittings here for 5 change of clothes - wedding, coronation, greeting, banquet & casual. sir gilmores frantic lecture there on the sequence of the ceremony, on what to do, on what to say, on what NOT to do, and on what NOT to say, who is who in the heirarchy, never to do this, never to do that, etcetera, etcetera. now this is what gulf would say if he was to have a whiplash.

later that afternoon, gulf somehow escaped sir gilmores nerves into the pavillion. the solace of the place enable him to breathe. he was nearly asleep when suddenly some heavy footsteps came into his hearing. curious as to who it was, gulf got up and looked behind him. he nearly buckled when he saw the three people approaching him. two of which he thought hell be longed to ever see or even touch again.

gulf ran with tears flowing from his face, unable to contain his composure anymore despite bastils call behind him. he slammed right into his best friends arms and crouched down to his cute little sister who was dressed in her best. somebody curled her hair making her looked so much like a doll.

"oh dear heavens!!!" gulf once again hugged the both of them with mild too on his knees.

"ill leave you be, dear. mild will be with you if you want to and our dear sister may come and go whenever she pleases." mew cooed at gulfs little sister.

"oh, please, please, my emperor. i would very much love to have mild with me. thank you so much!" gulf hugged his emperor with earnest and whispered something along the line of a reward.

"this is nothing compared to your smile, my love."

"it maybe for nothing but this is everything. thank you." gulf held mews face to his and lightly kissed him only to be interrupted with an irritable cough.

"were not air, you know, heh." mild uttered low earning a chuckle from mew and a smack on the head by gulf.

when the emperor left them, gulf pulled them back into the pavillion where a group of servants placed a light meal before them since dinner will be served in a few.

gulf thought his birthday will be for naught but he never knew that mew knew about his birthday and ultimately pushed his men to scour the land for mild. he was found not a few hours ago, all in tattered clothes, same clothes he wore at the slave auction, and skinny. his owner was punished for maltreating his servants and was kicked out of their land. they had found out that the true land owner was a young lad of 15 whose parents was murdered by the current master. as gratitude, they pledged loyalty to the empress and whoever that may come from the empresses village before will be welcomed with open arms in their estate and will be cared for. they promised to search for them and offer them sanctuary or if their masters are brute, buy them their freedom.
based on what was told to mild, he was not to divulge any worrying information to gulf. gulf may knew about it sometime but not from mild himself. mild was to be gulfs royal confidant. he was to be with gulf at all times whenever he was to attend to his duties of the state. he could leave his post only at gulfs own discretion.

the once lonely pavillion where gulf longs for his sisters presence became a rowdy one. gulf chased at his sister with mild throwing pillows at them. mild putting all his weight on gulf while his sister put flowers on his brothers hair. only if their mom saw them, he could only hope she was also smiling and happy looking over them.

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