Chapter 5

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No one's POV:

"Stop! Don't draw your swords out!" Tanjiro shouted at both of them, getting their attention and looking at tanjiro letting go of the swords handle "we have a mission to do right now, you can't just fight while a demon is out there hunting humans while you two are just going to fight!" Rengoku and Tomioka were silent, tomioka sighed "you can continue your mission but, I'll go with you" "but-" rengoku tries yo say something but he was cut off by tanjiro "ok! Let's go!" Tanjiro says cheerfully. Tanjiro and rengoku got up (since they were still sitting when they talked) and walked with tomioka

A half a day later

Still No one's POV:

They finally made it, the three of them finally made it to the town of where the demon is, and right on time too the sun was gone and only the moon and the stars were shown on the sky, the three of them split up to find the demon rengoku goes left tomioka goes right and tanjiro goes ga- straight. After 30 minutes tanjiro found the demon in an abandoned house, 5 minutes later tomioka and rengoku arrived at the abandoned house and saw tanjiro who had a lot of injuries (nezukos's not here right now because she's on a date😄) when the demon was about to attack tanjiro tomioka quickly blocked the attack defending tanjiro, while tomioka was protecting tanjiro rengoku hurriedly Went to slice the demon's neck, a second later the demon's head was on the floor disintegrating, rengoku looked at where tomioka and tanjiro is and saw that tomioka was carrying tanjiro bridal style. Rengoku wanted to carry tanjiro too but tomioka didn't let him, after they left the house they hurriedly went to go back to the butterfly mansion it took them a day but they made it, they quickly went to shinobu's office who was busy kissing mi- who was 'treating' mitsuri's wounds, rengoku knocked on the door and after a few minutes they shinobu opened the door smiling at them tomioka told shinobu of what happened during rengoku and tanjiro's mission shinobu, told them to both follow her to a room when shinobu was closing the door tomioka and rengoku both saw a glimpse of mitsuri half nak- with injuries and bandages. Rengoku and tomioka both followed shinobu to a room and shinobu asked for tomioka to put tanjiro on the bed, tomioka put tanjiro on the bed and shinobu asked both of them to get out so she can start treating his injuries, they both went out, and after a few hours shinobu came out of the room

"What took you so long?" -Tomioka

"Tanjiro has been hit by a demon art and its permanent" -Shinobu

"What?! Is he okay?!" -Rengoku

"He's fine rengoku-san the only thing is the blood demon art he was hit with can make males turn into girls and make females turn into guys" -Shinobu

"So... Tanjiro is going to turn into a girl?" -Tomioka

"That's right tomioka-san!" -Shinobu

"After 3 days he'll wake up as a girl!" -Shinobu

Cliffhanger cuz Im lazy right now👁️👄👁️

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