I Do

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It's finally the day of the wedding.
Elena is getting ready at her grandmother's house with Amber, Krystal, Gabi and Lynn as her bridesmaids.
"You look gorgeous!" said Lynn.
Amber and Krystal nod in agreement.
A knock was on the door.
"Gabi! You made it. Your dress is right there." said Elena, hugging her.
"Thanks. Sorry about last week. I wasn't feeling well. But I am all better now."
"Aww. It's okay. I understand. I am glad you're fine. Now, go and get changed." said Elena, rubbing her arm.
She smiled and went to change.
The door was still ajar.
"Can I peek?" said Neil. He dropped Gabi so he thought maybe he could see Elena.
He heard overlapping protests from Amber, Lynn, Krystal, Nicole and Kristina.
He tried to push the door open, but they managed to close it.
"Okay, fine. Can I at least talk to Elena?" he asked.
"No!" they all said, in unison.
Elena laughed.
"I'll see you later."
"Elena! Keep quiet. He has to leave." said Nicole.
He laughs.
"See you."
They hear receding footsteps.

They all sigh of relief while Elena giggles.
"That was close." said Lynn.
They all nodded.
Elena couldn't hide her smile.
Gabi came out.
Elena was stunned.
"Gabi, you look absolutely gorgeous."
They all nodded.
Elena got changed, at last.

Kristina and Nicole starts to tear up as they sees Elena. She is wearing a simple lace A-line dress with sequined straps and a long veil, which has lace on the edges.
David opens the door and the girls sigh of relief.
"Nearly thought you were Neil." said Kristina.
David laughed.
"I just saw him outside. He told me. And don't worry. Everything is in order."
He then saw Elena with glassy eyes.
"You look beautiful."
Elena started tearing up and he hugged her.
"Oh, Dad."
He whispered a few things to her and she nodded.
"I love you." he said, ending their little moment.
He moves away from her.
"I love you too." she said, wiping her tears.
"Your makeup, Elena!" said Amber.
"Sorry. I guess I need to touch it up."
"Ehh. It's not bad. Nothing smudged. Amber is overreacting." said Lynn, rolling her eyes.
Elena laughs.
"No surprise."
Nevertheless, Amber briefly touches up her makeup.
Kristina tears up along with Nicole.
"This all happened because..."
"Of you and your antics." said John, coming out of the room.
Lynn laughed along with Elena.
"He's not wrong." said Elena.
"But they took these next steps themselves." John said, giving Elena a kiss on the cheek.
"You look lovely." said John to Elena.
She smiled. "Thanks, Grandpa."
He winked.
Elena hugged her mom and Gramms.
"I can't believe it. My baby girl, all grown up and getting married."
"Mom, I have been a grown up for quite some time."
"Yeah, well you never acted like one until you found Neil." said Kristina.
Elena rolled her eyes.
David moves closer to Elena and pulls the veil over Elena's face.
"Ready?" he said, extending his arm.
She grabs it and nods. "Ready."
Gabi hands her the flowers and they enter the car.

They arrive at the venue.
Elena's nerves are shot as she paces.
"Elena, chill. Breathe." said Lynn and Amber.
She breathes, shakingly.
"I... am struggling." she muttered.
Lynn slaps her forehead. "I hope we won't have to resort to finding Neil."
That triggered Elena.
"No. No ways. I'm fine."
"You sure?" said Krystal.
She nods.
"You'll be fine." whispered Gabi.
She smiles at Gabi.
David kisses her on the forehead.
She takes his hand and the doors open. She sees Neil at the end of the aisle...The bridesmaids walk first. She sees Neil looking at Gabi and tell her that she looks beautiful. It's Elena's turn to enter.
She takes a deep breath.

As she walks, she sees Neil, trying to hold back the tears, but he can't. He sheds a few tears before wiping them with his thumb.
Elena smiles. "You look handsome." she mouthed.
He smiled.
"You look absolutely beautiful." he replied, mouthing back to her.
She smiled and watched as her dad shook hands with Neil, placing her hand in Neil's.
They stand together, looking at each other, before looking forward.

It's time to exchange vows.
Neil starts.
"Elena, I met you as someone's relative. A patient of mine who was very persistent in her efforts of trying to get us to go on a date."
She smiles while everyone chuckles.
He continues.
"Thanks to her, we went on a date. Which lead to a series of a dates until we got to today. Elena, you make me happy. When I feel upset or mad, you always cheer me up. Whether it's a text or a phone call. You're always there. You make me whole. You light up my world and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I love you."
A series of awws escapes among the guests.
Kristina is crying.
"Thanks for the credit." she said, quite abruptly. Elena looked at her, but then just smiled as she turned back to Neil, who shook his head. Her turn next.

"Neil, when I am with you, it feels like time has frozen. Like I am stuck with you in that moment forever. Just like right now. You cheer me up and somehow always know what I am thinking without even asking. Thanks to a certain person named Kristina..." she smiled, clearing her throat.
Neil smiled.
She continued.
"You asked me to go on a date. I was hesitant. But you never forced me to say yes. You were patient. Although it only took me a few minutes before I said yes. And now here we are. I am so grateful that I said yes. If I could go back in time, I would say yes a thousand times over. I love you, Neil. And I cannot wait for the start of the next chapter of our lives together."
He tears up and cannot wait to hear the words he has been wanting to hear all day.
He places the ring on her finger and she does the same to him.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
Neil pulls her in for one quick, yet passionate kiss.
They pull away and walk down the aisle, smiling.

Hours later, it is time to cut the cake.
Neil feeds a piece of cake to Elena. She does the same.
"Mm...Chocolate cheesecake?" Elena said.
He nodded.
"I love it." she said.
He gives a thumbs up and mouths "Thanks" to Lynn and Justin.
Elena notices.
"Wait. You chose the cake flavour? Lynn said it was a surprise."
He nodded and chuckled. "That day when I came to Salinas... Lynn told me that she made samples but you both forgot about it. So I tasted it and decided to out the two flavours together."
She gave him a kiss. "Genius." she whispered.
He smiled.

Later, she threw the bouquet.
Lynn caught it. She raised her eyebrows.
Lynn looked at Justin. He shrugged his shoulders.
He then moves closer and whispered to her.
"I think keep that somewhere safe."
He smiled, watching as her face lit up.
She hugs him and music starts playing.
Lynn puts down the bouquet and starts to dance.

"Care to join me for this dance, Mrs Castillo-Melendez?" Neil asked, extending his hand.
"Well, if a prom king and my husband is asking, how could I say no, Mr Melendez?"
He smiled as she took his hand and he spun her around before pulling her closer into his embrace as they danced.
"This. I want to stay like this forever." he whispered.
She nodded.
"Me too. I feel like we're..."
"Frozen?" he said, facing her.
She chuckled and nodded.
He grinned with glee.
"I love you, Neil Melendez."
He sighs and smiles.
"I love you, Elena Castillo-Melendez."
She smiles at hearing that and rests her head on his chest as they danced.
His head rested on hers and they smiled and danced.

After a long night, the two decided to leave. They tried to do it discreetly. They greeted a few people before they left: Elena's family, Gabi, Neil's parents, Lynn, Amber, Krystal, Justin and Neil's residents.

They head to the car. Neil is the one driving.
He opens the door for her, helping her with the dress.
"You got it?" he asked.
She nodded and he gave her a kiss.
He got in.
"Let's go home." he said, as she fastened his seatbelt.
She smiled.
"Home. Our home." she said, assuring herself.
He smiled and started driving.

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