Apollo cries because someone left him for a croissant

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"So are you really going to fight Clarisse?" Percy asked, worried

"I don't have much choice in the matter, but I suppose so." Arju responded

"She's really tough... When I first arrived at camp she really beat me up. On multiple occasions!"

"I'll be just fine Bluebell, besides, Ares was the one who taught me how to fight," Arju replied, slightly laughing at how worried Percy was

"You've met Ares?"

"Mhm. Back when I was younger, Aphrodite babysat me, and Ares loved teaching me how to fight"

"I've fought Ares before!" Percy said hopefully "And won!"

"Ares never shut up about it, good job," Arju ruffled Percy's hair, and his cheeks brightened.

"When you say he never shuts up about it... what does he say?"

"How he's going to pull you apart, tear out your eyes, suffocate you, rip out your intestines, and make you beg for mercy"

"Oh... that..." Percy trailed off

"He doesn't mean it" Arju laughed "He's just mad"

"So," Percy quickly changed the subject "Do you think you can defeat Clarisse?"

"I do,"
"Are you sure? She's really mean" Percy talked like he was talking about pollution in the waters.

"I am,"

"Are you, super super positive?"

"Percy," Arju said "You sound like a mom sending me into a life or death battle, and you're positive that I'll die so you're trying to convince me to quit." He deadpanned

"That was oddly specific..." Percy questioned

"It's happened before"

"Oh, I hope I never get that talk, it sounds scary."
"It's even scarier when its Apollo shoving you in his man boobs, while he bawls his eyes out"

Arju was sure that if Percy were to open his eyes anymore, they would fall right out of their sockets.

"Do... Do I wanna know the context of that?"

"Ehhh..." Arju thought for a second "probably not. I mean I would totally put my face in his tits again, 100%," Arju's tan skin seemed to get even redder when he said that, and his head tilted to the side "just take away his over the top speech and cry..." He deadpanned. "I mean!" His expression quickly switched. One of his eye brows was lifted, and his nose scrunched up. "Who makes a speech, in front of the other 11 Olympians! About me?? ME?" Arju shook Percy's shoulders "I WAS GOING TO GO GET A CROISSANT??? HE DOES IT ANY TIME I GO TO LEAVE!"

"That's-" Percy was speechless. He always thought of the Olympian's to be powerful and stern gods, even after Apollo gave them a ride back to Camp Half-Blood. But he never expected to hear one of the gods crying over someone leaving to get a croissant.

"Arju?" Someone called out. Arju's tailed perked up at the sound of his fathers voice

"Over here father!" He called out, his mood completely changing.

Percy saw a man with beautiful long white hair, and a huge white peacock tail walk around the corner of the Big House. And then he saw Argus following the peacock man.

"Oh! Have you already made a friend, how awesome!" Olive said cheerfully "You finally can get away from Apollo for once!" Arju's face remained stoic but his tail shimmered, revealing just how embarrassed he was. Olive looked towards Percy and smiled warmly

"Hello Darling, I'm Olive, god of Peacocks, and Arju's father, It's a pleasure to meet you"
"O-oh!" Percy stumbled out "I didn't know you were a god- I um-"

"It's quite okay! I don't mind if you treat me like a normal mortal,"
"O-okay! I'm Percy Jackson. Your son is very lovely!" Percy complimented, making Arju freeze at his words.

Olive smiled happily and looked towards Argus, "Hear that Darling? Our little boy is finally making friends other than Apollo" Argus wiped tears away from multiple of his eyes.

"Why is Argus crying over-" He was cut off.
"Shut it bluebell." Arju's brows were furrowed with anger "Father, Dad, what do you need?" He asked

"That's right, we needed to tell you something..." Olive said sadly.

"Alright?" Arju questioned

"I need to leave..."

"Oh, okay, lets go," Arju started to stand up, but Olive interjected

"No, you stay here. Me and your father have been talking about it, and you need to stay here. No gods will be able to protect you, so here is the best place right now."

"So... you're going to leave me here? All alone? In an unfamiliar place? With no explanation other than it's safe? With blood thirsty and horny teenagers?" Arju asked and Olive nodded in response

"But!" He said happily "Your father will be here,"

"Well should've just said that from the start" Arju said, obviously annoyed. Percy was sure that if Arju could open his eyes, then he would have rolled them.

"Goodbye darling," Olive said. He gave a quick kiss to Argus, then another to Arju, but on the cheek. Olive disappeared in a flash of light and Arju stood there, impatiently tapping his foot. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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