Aspen Hado: Hero to Seal...

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Art by @Aspen_Zoldyck One of my best friends :)))

Pov: Aspen Hado

Location: Downtown Brooklyn, New York, United States

Time: 8:20 AM

I have been running for what feels like forever, I am still running. Adrenaline is the only thing keeping me going at this point. This is Horrible! I am horrified of everything I see! On my way here I've seen pretty much everything! Dead Bodies, Bullet Casings on the ground, Plane Parts, Everything...

Third Person POV:

8:24 AM

Aspen is still running, she is just about to get on the Brooklyn Bridge, and use it to cross to Manhattan, where she knows the Symbol of Peace probably is right now...

She suddenly hears a voice behind her...

A/N Underlined text means it is spoken in Russian

Russian Infantry: Halt! By Demand of the New Red Army!

Aspen turns around and looks at the Russian Soldiers, She turns and runs again...



A Gunshot is fired, The Bullet gets Halfway to Aspen's Leg, before suddenly turning around and hitting the man who shot it in the head...

Aspen Saw this over her soldier, she can't believe her quirk worked in this situation...

ASPEN HADO! Quirk: Astral Projection!

Aspen has the ability to project her soul and use it to Possess and move objects to her will! She can possess up to 2 objects at once! However, This does give her a weak spot, The Heart that glows on her chest and in the soul when it's projected can be damaged, making her more tired and prone to attacks, It could even kill her if it is damaged too much...

Aspen I kinda changed the quirk slightly, I hope you don't mind...

Aspen now uses her chance to run, She makes a run for the Bridge, hoping she can get away... when she suddenly hears the troops start running at her, and shouting at her...

Russian Infantry: She is Cursed! We must kill her!


Aspen was extremely confused by this, Why would anyone think of quirks as curses?

She looks behind herself and sees The Russian Infantry running faster than her...

Aspen Panics, She tries to run faster, Using as much of her adrenaline as she can... but it is all in vain...

Aspen get tackled to the ground by the Russian Soldiers, They lift her back up and hold her against her will...

Russian Infantry: Aim! Ready..!

Aspen braces for the pain of dozens of Bullets hitting her, In her mind she says goodbye to her mom, her friends and other family members...

Then She hears it...


She Opens her eyes and she's alive!

She sees all of the Russian troops on the Ground... Dead...

Aspen is both relieved and freaked out... What happened?!

???: We have a Civilian Over Here!

???: Got it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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