The First Day

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Midoriya followed the four back into the house to see the four members walking around the room and examining the furniture.

"Well, now that everyone is here. I can give you a tour of the whole place," Izuku said, walking back inside to face the four new members.

"Do we need it?" Geten asked, looking around the room.

"It won't take long. And it will help you map down where everything is, especially your rooms." Midoriya explained further, closing the front door behind him. "Is that alright?"

Geten shrugged, "Whatever."

"Oh, our rooms are already prepared?" Kizuki clapped her hands together with a grin.

"Yes, I took initiative to make sure each room was cleaned, furnished and prepared for each one of you."

"Great. I can finally have an actual bedroom again," Kizuki pumped her fist in the air. "Alright, you can start the tour."

"I'm sure this is unneeded, but go ahead with your unnecessary tour," Chikazoku waved him off.

"I'll start on the first floor where we currently are. So this is the first living room as you can already see," Izuku started, gesturing over to the basic living area. There was a television mounted on the painted wall with a dresser underneath it. There was two blue couches with a recliner off to the side. And a large bookshelf against the wall with different colored spines on each shelf. "The bookshelf is stocked with a mix of genres from non-fiction to fiction."

"Just next to the living room is the kitchen area," Midoriya gestured to the kitchen area with a kitchen island and stool sitting out. "The pantry, shelf space, and fridge is fully stocked with drinks and food. I will provide dinner by cooking up meals from soup to fried pork. You can come in anytime to eat snacks, make yourself something, or anything. The utensils are in the drawers while the dishes are in the cupboards above the sink."

Hanabata hummed, keeping the calm smile on his face, "What happens when food runs out?"

"I can always request another shipment if necessary," Midoriya replied easily to the question. He gestured to the hallway area where both of his rooms were. "And past the kitchen. And the living area is this short hallway where I will mostly likely be. The door at the very end on the left is the office while the other is my personal room which will be locked during the day."

Kizuki asked, pointing her finger at the door almost hidden away under the stairs. "What's this door at the stairwell for?"

"It's the supply closet with necessary cleaning supplies," Midoriya answered.

Geten crossed his arms, leaning against the wall, "And our bedrooms are up there, I'm guessing, unless you want us to sleep on futons down here."

"Yes," Midoriya paused, glancing up to the top of the stairwell. "Your bedrooms are upstairs. There should be a nameplate for each room."

"What if I wanted to choose which side I go on?" Geten said, looking at his door that was right next to the stairwell. "I don't get a choice?"

"If it bothers you, you can always trade with someone else as long as the other party agrees to the decision," Izuku answered quickly, walking up to the stairs and laying a hand on the railing. "On the topic of bedrooms, I will show everyone the second floor where the bedrooms awaits."

"I hope I get a window," Kizuki commented dreamily while she swayed on her feet.

Midoriya nodded, "Everyone has a window."

"It's glued shut, isn't it?" Chikazoku questioned, looking at him from his long bangs skeptically.

Midoriya shook his head with a frown, "It isn't."

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now