Satisfaction Brought it Back

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"They'll only see me as this evil woman," Kizuki answered with an honest tone to her words like she believed every single thing she said. "No matter how much work you do, Midoriya. I can never recover from my reputation being ruined like this." A single tear escaped from her eyes. "And without my reputation... I'm nothing."

"Don't demean yourself like that. You should never sell yourself short like that," Midoriya answered. He reached forward to hand her a tissue from a small package in his pocket. "No one is worthless, useless or nothing. No matter who they are or what they bring to the table, each life means something valuable. And the reform program will take care to make sure you will get a job and a stable life outside. And you can always rebuke your reputation if you decide to keep your name.

"Not to everyone."

Midoriya shrugged, "That may be true for some people out there who have no care for any life but their own. But I care. I care about each person I talk with, I spend time with, even the ones that I pass on the street. Everyone's life is precious."

Kizuki took a moment to breathe before responding, "Would I even be able to go back to doing what I was before I got into the group?

"I wouldn't say that. You could always use a pen name and go back to doing freelance if you truly wish for that," Midoriya responded.

"You make it sound so easy," Kizuki snorted. "I'm probably blacklisted from the industry. So if the pen name works, it would only be a matter of time before they find out who I am and never listen to me again."

"Kizuki, listen," Midoriya started, gaining her attention. "Journalism is a wide spectrum of things ranging from television networks to magazines all the way to an online blog. I'm sure with the help of the reform, you can find your place back into your dream."

"And what's the catch? An arm and a leg?"

"There is no catch. You agreed to reform. And if you reform and vow to never return to villainy whether with or without the MLA, then you can go back to a regular life."

"Then what?" Kizuki shook her head in disbelief. "Anyone can just lie to get freedom."

"Not necessarily. In order to fully reform, the court needs to hear from me that I found each and every candidate reformed," Midoriya replied. "But it hasn't happened before since I make sure that everyone is reformed before I make the call."

"So... This program can actually help me. You're not bullshitting me?"

"I would never lie about the reform program," Midoriya answered with a smile. "The outcome is always very successful with every member rejoining the outside world with a new job."

"Alright," Kizuki relented.

Midoriya paused before saying, "Did you want to talk more?"

"Yeah. I still have a bit more ranting to get out of my system," Kizuki breathed in before ranting. "My parents were always pushing me towards being a hero because of how high the salary was. They thought since my quirk was powerful that I should just give up any other dream to be a hero. If it wasn't being a hero, they wanted me to be a doctor or a nurse."

"But the thing I wanted to be was on the screen," Kizuki admitted. "At first I thought I wanted to be an actor. But when I saw people going out and finding streets in the rubble of an attack or searching down heroes to interview. I knew that I wanted to be that. I wanted to be out there."

Kizuki's eyes searched the far wall. "I wanted to be the one in the center that reports on everything from a distance. They were the ones everyone was watching even though the heroes were somewhere else fighting."

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now